Need Your Support - Please Read!
On Monday, one of our leaders at Challenger Homes, Pat Jarrett, lost his younger brother at the age of 39. It was an unexpected loss. He is survived by his wife, and 2 sons.
For those of you who do not know Pat:
Pat Jarrett has been a vital part of the success of Challenger Homes for many years. He is a humble man with a huge heart. He has positively impacted so many people throughout his life and career. He is one of the essential backbones of Challenger Homes, and a strong support system to our work family here in Colorado. He is very loved by everyone that has the honor to know him, and now his family could use the same support he has shown to each and every one of us over the years.
Due to the circumstances, his brother’s wife and children need support…not only emotionally, but financially.
His family has created a trust fund for his 2 sons and opened it up for donations. NHSCO has created a gofundme page in support of those efforts. If you are able to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. We have had some great contributions so far. We are pleased with the large donations given…we are looking to grow this not only with those donations, but through many smaller donations too. Whatever you are able to give would be appreciated.
Most importantly, please spread the word. The best way to raise funds is to get as many people to donate as possible.
We set a goal for our local sales team of $5,000, and we are just $900 away from that goal. We are hopeful to hit that goal by the end of today.
We would like to get everyone involved and raise that goal to $10,000.
Our big hairy audacious goal would be reaching $20,000, but that can only be reached with your help and the help of the people you know.
Here is the link to his brother’s obituary:
Thank you in advance for any support you can offer…from financial support through the gofundme link, or just a kind word we can share upon his return.
David Pierce