In today's rapidly changing world, academic knowledge alone is not enough to ensure the holistic development of students. It is crucial to instill moral and value education to help them become responsible, empathetic, and ethical individuals. Dr. Tomas Q.D. Andres defines values as "things, persons, ideas or goals which are important to life; anything which enables life to be understood, evaluated, and directed." Value education refers to an educational approach that focuses on teaching students the values that are important for personal, social, moral, and ethical development.
Value education starts from home, but it continues throughout life. Value education in schools plays a significant part in an individual's life. Value-based education can shape their future and add purpose to their life. It also helps them learn to live the right way of life.
School is the place where the child spends most of his or her learning years. Many attributes of behavior they develop for a lifetime have their roots in school. Thus, including value education as a textbook, graded subject, or lecture per week is not enough. The school has to give due importance and priority to inculcating these desirable values among children. Special well-planned learning experiences need to be designed so that students understand the importance of value in the real sense rather than just a fact.
Several researches have suggested the importance of Moral Education in school. A study showed students who received moral education demonstrated improved academic outcomes, including higher grades and increased motivation to learn. Furthermore, moral education also contributes to developing prosocial behavior, such as empathy, altruism, and cooperation. While it is linked to positive academic and social outcomes, it is also connected to positive social relationships. Students who receive moral education are likelier to engage in positive social interactions and exhibit behaviors that benefit others. A comprehensive review of moral education research by Lickona and Davidson in 2004 found that value and moral education contribute to the development of character virtues such as honesty, respect, responsibility, and fairness. They emphasized the importance of explicitly teaching and modeling moral values in schools.
The National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 introduced by the Government of India, has brought about significant changes in the education system. Alongside academic excellence, the NEP emphasizes the need for holistic development, including integrating moral and value education into the curriculum. Here are a few benefits of Value-based Education:
Character Development: Moral and value education plays a vital role in building character. It emphasizes qualities like responsibility, determination, self-control, and resilience. These traits support students in navigating difficulties, getting beyond roadblocks, and strengthening their sense of personal integrity. Students who build their characters are better equipped to handle difficult situations in the real world and make ethical decisions.
Emotional & Social Intelligence: Moral and Value Education goes beyond academic knowledge by focusing on emotional and social intelligence. It gives students the tools to understand, process, regulate their emotions, develop empathy, and foster healthy relationships. These abilities are crucial for their development as human beings,? well-being, and for growth and success in both academic and professional environments.
Nurturing Ethical Leadership: Ethical leadership is vital for the progress and well-being of any society. Receiving Moral and value education helps nurture ethical leadership qualities in students. It helps them differentiate between right and wrong, understand the consequences of their actions, and make ethical choices. They gain the knowledge and abilities necessary to act ethically, lead with integrity, and inspire others. Such leaders have the potential to drive positive change, promote progress and advance societal improvement.
Cultivating Citizenship and Social Responsibility: The NEP, 2020 emphasizes the need for students to become active and responsible citizens. A sense of civic responsibility and social awareness are instilled through value and moral education. It encourages students to actively participate in social welfare, environmental conservation, and community service activities. By understanding their role in society, students develop a sense of commitment for creating a better and more inclusive world.
Enhancing Life Skills: The NEP, 2020 emphasizes on the development of life skills in addition to cognitive, emotional, social and ethical competencies. Beyond academic knowledge, moral and value education equips students with critical life skills. It promotes rational problem-solving, analytical skills, effective communication, and decision-making abilities. These skills are crucial for their personal and professional growth, enabling them to succeed in various domains of life.
Even though the importance of value education has been long recognized, the methods to impart value education have not been definitive. Value education often takes a backseat, leading to limited resources, time, and attention dedicated to teaching values. We at HEMA Foundation are here to bridge this gap. We are driven by a single goal; to do our part by imparting Value education and making the world a better place for all. Through HEMA Foundation, the value systems imbibed by Smt. Hema Kabra are now reaching out to far corners of this world in the form of a "ready to use" e-learning module. Visit at: to access our e-learning module.
Join us in the mission of HEMA Foundation to awaken the spirit of value based living in all individuals at school, organizational and community levels through well researched and structured programs resulting in a responsible, effective & harmonious existence for all.