The need to update.

The need to update.

Our Central Nervous System has been developed by nature in response to the need for survival of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, a category to which we human beings belong. The constant modification of the environmental conditions where the daily activities of human groups have been developing since the time of the caves, being scavengers, hunters and gatherers first, then agriculture and livestock, and later industrialization, printed an unusual speed in the way we connect and the means available to survive. Complexity has led to the fact that we are today some 7.8 billion inhabitants in the world with consumer needs and fewer and fewer spaces without overlapping each other and even not overpowering the way of life of other beings on the planet and their habitats with garbage exponentially accumulated.

The ability to develop the constant surveillance system of our senses in the face of various dangerous scenarios (our limbic system), gave us the capacity to respond immediately to a slight suspicion of being in danger, although it deprived us of precision when reacting and While it has helped us stay safe from the risks of being eaten by stronger, more skilled, and faster predators in the past, or of being harmed by machines, vehicles, or complex production systems, it has introduced us to preventative bonding modes that forced gradually submitting us to unnatural norms based on survival, have caused permanent and sometimes unnecessary alarms that depress the immune system, memory and the recovery of the organism. Panic attacks are the order of the day in the vast majority of the world's huge and populated cities. The feeling of sudden death is common.

The technological imprint, scientific discoveries, and communication developments, with a preponderant and macabre role of the media, provided us with different spheres of participation, such as physical, mental, and virtual spaces that require different involvement depending on the challenge. . Which leads us to an emotional breakdown in the face of the confusion of not knowing how to differentiate the spheres of participation and leading individuals to believe that virtuality bears some similarity to reality. Specifically, you can have thousands of contacts on social networks, which will never replace your true family ties, circle of friends, work, or social relationships in the real world. Nor will virtuality benefit the human body in the same way as participating in the natural world. Loneliness even in a relationship is the most invasive and omnipresent communicational paradox.

As humanity, we have not yet been able to solve the difficulties of a large part of the world's population, and we are going by leaps and bounds trying to impose virtual reality or metaverse on a privileged group that has managed to separate itself from the emotions caused by the suffering of others, in the face of signs of Unusual inequality in history, not even the great pandemics shared by all, have managed to unify criteria to be more supportive and empathic with each other.

Given the unusual speed of change, our limbic system has not been able to adapt and has become hyper-sensitized, causing a reduction in empathy, simply because if we are constantly in danger, we cannot take care of the needs of others, but focus only on our own survival within oppressive, rigid and changing systems that do not allow time to adapt. Education is the key, and we must change the utilitarian focus of educational systems in the world that have been maintained since the Middle Ages with the same purpose, to condition individuals to stay within the canons of social acceptance and in most cases be an unthinking part of the productive subjugation that concentrates wealth in a few hands, before the monarchy, later the oligarchy and today the economic power.

Political, legal, emotional, and collective education needs to be approached from childhood so that it constitutes a natural part of each subjectivity in the search for constant, permanent, and self-updating learning. We are, as Humberto Maturana said, "autopoietic" beings, and if we have the appropriate psycho-emotional instruction, we will be able to create and recreate ourselves to sustain growth in general well-being that includes the majority, animals, and care for the environment of the only planet we have for developing life in global communities.


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