The Need to Support Local Leaders
Sherry Holliman, MA
Former Marion Councilwoman Political Columnist, Certified Civil and Domestic Mediator. Lobbyists. CEO-Founder Different Direction Reforms, Consultant Community Advoc
The Need to Support Local Leaders
Political Columnist- Sherry Holliman
?Many people do not realize how important grassroot support makes a difference in the daily lives of their community. Grassroots heroes are often directly connected with families, children, churches, businesses, and people in need.?They work to relieve oppression and seek funding to make meaningful differences for their cities. Most local leaders should be trusted and supported by their constituents. In addition, the local leaders must be trustworthy and understand the needs and priorities of their communities. Human suffering is real and takes compassion to find ways to overcome challenges.?Grassroots leadership is about leadership that grows from and serves the members of a community. It means building a very strong support?and diverse power base from the ground up. It’s about people like you, organizing to work together for change. Grassroots leadership is a form of leadership in which the people who are leading are not coming from the top of an organization but rather from their own community. Grassroots leaders organize people to create change and mobilize communities. They may be social activists, community organizers, or other types of leaders. Grassroots leadership is not hierarchical, but more about the empowerment of individuals to take charge in their own lives and communities.
Many?grassroots leaders must demonstrate the power of small rural beginnings to prove real changes.?Leadership that works?with?reality, rather than special treatment for different social classes.?When people are inspired, feel like they are a part of something where they are valued and involved, they don’t need?controlling, just guided, and supported. In these circumstances grassroot people will accomplish so much more.?Successful grassroots leaders will practice?inclusivity with their?messages and her efforts. Be??authentic in their efforts,?show transparency?with their constituents and share everything they know with them so that they can be fully informed. Focus?on their message and not allow other things like money to distract them from their goal and finally believing and working together as dedicated community members to make changes happen grassroots?leadership is important because it can change the world by empowering people to take control of their own lives and?make a difference in their communities.?Grassroots leaders are ordinary people who are committed to making a difference in their communities. They work on all levels of society, from neighborhoods to nations, and they inspire others to participate in social change.??Grassroot leaders are very important people because they are supporting their?own communities. Their voices carry to the levels above their own cities. Local?Leadership is about human relationships and connecting with people.?When local leaders are expected to address issues for their cities they can?support people in a dignified and respectful manner. Supporting grassroot?leadership enforces the opportunity to address and challenge?political,?movements, create or change new structures of rural systems, stop racism,?sexism, classism, and homophobia to nourish human connections.?Matthew 7:1-2?“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.?For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.?All humans should be treated as humans without being judged. Grassroot leaders must definitely remain unbiased and solely concentrate on elevating problems that are prohibiting humans from living a quality life.?If you want to make the world a better place, support your grassroot leaders.?