The need of Sound Sometimes….!

The need of Sound Sometimes….!

The need of Sound Sometimes….!

What is next Shri Ganesh…….? Horns and sound of revolution around……..Shri Krishna……….! Are you there? Coming down or not? Is there anything remaining……….for me……at least……for you have enlightened many in the current time……Is it the Ego of myself or love for you that I have been resting and waiting……….should I do or desire anything?………’Hold it’……. the sound is herd!

Who is it? Asked ‘I’, Silence inside and revolution of sound around & outside ………….beautiful mind!

Have I surrendered to you, or still something remaining………birds chirping around……WHY DON’T you energize everything around? Am I awake or still sleeping in sound! “Wait…… come out”………see the beautiful earth around………silence within and outsides, why do you need any sound?

Is it you Ganesha or is it Krishna or are you both playing around, is there anything for me, or have I missed your call or something or some of your sound! You told that all the work is done! But I didn’t found some of the things around! Am I looking in the wrong place, or it’s just ‘useless’, what I sound!

Answer me!

We are not in the mood today!

Why? What happened?

Someone said that there is something we need to tell you about.

Tell me……

This one right here, they are finding you wrong on various places!

So, what should we do then! Aren’t we all in it together! What more you want? Am I not trying every other time? When is our happily ever after coming? Or you would like to go with that right ones around! Should I be ashamed of myself…… or them, Or I am still not trying? When is it enough for you! Leave others, all the right and wrongs belongs to positions of observation, that not my fault, nor yours and not theirs either!

What if they bring our name to noun?

So you are worried about this Krishna? How does it matter? Everything eventually vanishes in time or at least remains hidden in some place!

Isn’t it the reason we play Hide and seek in nights and days? Don’t we want us, for them, to not to be found?

No, that’s not the problem! They think, that whatever we are sharing and transforming is just for nothing! They cannot come out of their belief systems!

What can we do then! Everyone has a right of understandings by themselves, through their own definitions and beliefs! Information is more important not us, not our name and not the noun.

If they can’t accept us, as we are, it is not a problem! They are just on the path of “GYAN YOG”. Let them accumulate their own information and understandings through their own belief.

But it will take very long time for them, to come and join us! Says Krishna and Ganesha,

But they will ultimately come! Said ‘I’,

But they are trying to take the path of understanding infinities into its own differentiated forms! This might take infinite time for them to understand! Says Krishna, while we are listening and waiting for them!

?And you came to save them! You gave them infinite of yourself, and now you are worried by yourself for them that they might get stuck into infinite time! But isn’t it for same reason that universe will exist within own self? Asked I’

I have a solution! Says some friend of Ganesha,

Let them have the knowledge of time! The knowledge of time will occur to them at singularity or unity of time. We will make them understand, that this living universe or life is also a singularity in unit moment they live.

“But isn’t it just a matter of choice for human, to believe!” “The summation of Infinite knowledge is always there all around!” Said the seekers!

“The life is the order of Fundamental will of existence”. “The will has to have certain belief to attach to so that the situation/event/kind/understanding remain into observation and as existence within self”

Are you trying to teach me lesson! Or wanting me to teach you or world? The Ego of ignorance of I’ asked Krishna,

“Singularity of life within and as unit moment of life is the solution”

“We are all dead and alive at once, everything exists and do not exist at the same moment of time” something here, something there! Or just “Everything at once”, all around. All life, all evolution, all history that could ever exist or future that can ever be made, happens to be only in this moment” it is the unity of time!” “Universe is the summation of all individual observed unities of self’. It is the singularity of time! You are light, you are all transformations, you are all music and you are all the time at once, here. Here is everything. This ‘Here’ is your moment! This ‘Here’ is unity of time! This ‘Here’ is always ’Now’. This ‘Here’ is the only thing everywhere! This ‘now’ is everywhere, this “now” is every moment of unity or singularity or thus SANATAN. Everything else is false or at least a relative truth!

“You are just being a father”, Krishna, you are just worrying for the future for unknown understandings or your universe or it’s children!

What if they didn’t learn on time! Thinks the father!

So you are being Supreme Father of Universe! Asked ‘I’

Aren’t you worried of your father feelings! You know only because you understand him, and want to fulfill his wishes, and align your desires to end all his worries?…… asked Krishna,

Hmnnn! Worrying to end the worries of my parents, secured me infinity, Said I’

Then, why don’t we make something for children of world, or for human of earth that they may understand their parents needs and worries. Ultimately all the life of parents is just to wish and do for the sake of their children? Isn’t it the beauty of emotions! Worries’ out of love and care! Isn’t it what children can do in return! They just need to love their parents back!

Isn’t it the music of life! The purest of emotions do not need sound, yet they sound so musical all around! Isn’t it the vibrations of frequencies that carry emotions? Isn’t it there is a beautiful sound and music all around within the silence of Love!

Isn’t it that love is most fundamental need of human, but nobody cares, or for any living creature and the nature itself’?

Do we need to fight for anything else, other than love! For the sake of true-ness, for the sake of simplicity! Love is purity of heart, it is not desire, and it is need of life. The music of simplicity, just to be listened! Isn’t it everywhere?

Or humanity has lost it in need of desires? Purity and simplicity in unit moment is true love or the art of nature!

Don’t worry for earth Krishna,

We are the one to take birth within the womb of every mother. We become the child and play as their children. We become the grown up, and take care for the need of all the work around. Remember Ganesha has already done all of our work! We become the purity in the eyes of truth? We become the eyes of child! We play with the sand of time? We become the waiting eyes of old, why can’t we end the waiting in their eyes! Why can’t we become the food in empty stomach, why can’t be become the crazy mind. Why can’t we become all the need, and fulfill them all in time!

We are the sparkle in the eyes of child! We are their smile. We are all unity and differentiated infinity in them in time; for all, we are just in the unit of time!

But what is the use of life, if objectivity of universe is just finding information and categorizing it into some subject without experience the emotions attached to true nature of objectivity. It is like finding dead entity or material all over the universe and unable to experience true emotions & energy of it. Says Krishna,

“When we are the one everywhere, in all the forms, in all the transformations, as all energy as all nature, it is just some Ego, in between the acceptance of Absolute Truth and finding infinite freedom”; Feels Krishna and friends…….?

While silence of supreme: When I became supreme father, Human often call me SHIVA’ or may call me other sound depending on the orientation of their own civilization in the varied position of the time in universe.

I am worried for you. It’s just that I am unable to speak or share. I find it hard to speak my emotions. I may be hard form outside, but my love is unique. I am the highest experience of & as Existence. I am all universe, I am all galaxies and stars, I am all time and Beyond. I am within and outside each and every event/entity/kind as infinite individuality.

I know papa. I know all the pain of ‘you and Maa’……”The will is granted to achieve the infinite” yet individuality is deviated only to get some”. But we all are trying our best to do the best. We are Human on earth. Sometimes we achieve infinity of you, sometime we get in delusion by the illusions of vastness of time and nature of universe.

“I am stubborn; I don’t know what to say to him! Or do anymore!

“What do you say Krishna?

“Why don’t you all just sit, relax and meditate! Let the time go, don’t get trapped in weak emotion! Become observer! Or better become the observation itself’. Due to the fifth dimensional position of curvature, with respect to Absolute Existence”, here on earth we transforms into Human. This body has its limits and its own nature. Do not restrict your nature and intelligence within the boundaries formed by the human body and brain. Learn to Meditate! Separate your mind from you’re your brain, achieve the Enlightenment! Let the Absolute Light Pass through your body and one day it will be awaken! To its own higher and its own Supreme Self’. Then you will realize there is no high or low, right or wrong, good or bad. You will be free from all the momentum of emotional behavior which occurs due to similarities in observed momentum of speed of light or its particles or earth or any other material.

Awake all! We are here only for certain period of time. Do not become the servant of your emotions, but be the master of supreme Speed of light. Awaken and ride on the seven horses of Light! travel throughout the universe. Find the greatest infinities and win the Horizons! Into own infinite ways! Each and every individual on earth has a purpose in and as life. Find your own infinite uniqueness and share it with other infinities to make and experience life into infinite pleasantness for eternities.

But people don’t know how to mediate! Moreover there are so many teachers, guiding information’s and misguides to be followed!

This is something, where human should take care! Find a real ‘JAGATGURU’ or Just don’t find anyone! Don’t follow just anyone, follow maximum and find maximum ways, & in the end you will find the true ways to proceed. Even if you don’t find any one, “you and your body is enough”. Don’t look on someone else to push you! The moment you look on someone else to push you, you’ve already failed. The only winning way is ‘You push yourself’, you become your own motivator! The greatest heights are achieved by those who went alone with themselves. You may need not to go to the jungle, or mountains, if you can find silence within self, in your house or anywhere else, you should meditate there. Even if you are in between thousands of people around and still able to find the silence within you, you can meditate there.

So, were you really worried earlier Krishna? Or were just trying to look worried earlier! Because if know it all, how can anyone be worried? Asked me’

What do you think? I am you! You are me! You came to me worried! You knew it all, still I have to awake you!?This is life. It plays its part. Human body comes as a package, human emotions, all the relationships, their duties, responsibilities, etc. So war has to be won again and again, every time, we have to come up winning! There is no excuse! Those who put their trust in me! I put my trust in them! Even if you don’t put your trust in highest order of Existential experience or conditional state, it still trust you and takes care of you, no matter, who or what you are! No matter what or how you call it!

What about my financial needs? Are these just desires along the life to live? Is it even worth? While we live in world, we can attain SHIVATA, till we are there is no meaning of desires or will, but while we are in between the worlds, don’t we need things or money to feed or to fulfill our desires? Asked I’ to Krishna,

We seem to be awakened; our life is full of eternal visibility as state of infinite living condition or existence! Do we need to come out it or not? Aren’t we still inter dependent mutually on each other as society or civilizations. We acknowledge your presence in each and every entity event and kind, then, should we just sit and continue to observe and or become observer till the end of our universal time or there is something else to be done! As a life itself as nature, we change from one state of moment to another state of moment and continue to grow as nature as life. Can you explain? I ask?

Are you listening or not, or are you not here right now, which is not possible, because you are time, you are the only absolute presence as everywhere……?


So what’s going on?

Listening: says Krishna

Want to give me some things…..? says I,

Ask Ganesha: says Krishna,

But it’s because of You: says I,

Singing………! What you want to sing about? Asks I,

Is there anything else, some work? Says I,

No! says Krishna,

Hmnnnn……. then? Your turn……..

Is it me or is it you? : Sounds both,

Boys…..! says Krishna

What about boys? I ask!

The other one! We were waiting for…..? they came that day to look around! Did they find something useful? I ask

Of course! Says Krishna….

What about them?

They are planning to come! Says Krishna,

Send some more! I say

Lets go: voice is heard…..

We wait for them, or continue our life…….. Asks me?

TINNN: the bell is heard!

What about bell? I asked

It’s from the temple! Says Krishna

Some one is asking in prayer! To join us! Call Ganesha: says K

Seriously! Ask I,

Shree Ganesh! Come, we need you here! There is some of the work to be done!

You are welcome! Gays Ganesha,

Whom are we welcoming…….! Asks I,

Everyone! Says Ganesha,

Is it about the temple or is it about the outside world?

?????????Are we living simultaneously our life, as present ever of all past and all the future ever, or should we call our life SNANATAN or Singularity! Are we living everything at once! Isn’t it living singular state is a bliss utmost.

Aware! Awaken!?Like living TRUE dreams open eyes!

I never thought this path will get us here!

I thought “DARSHAN OF NIRAKAAR”, then living the reflection is just one of a kind! It is for real…………………, to felt…………to be felt…………& to feel others and everything around! Alive!

“What a Wonder a man can wish for! Ever nothing……But wait what “HE” has for you!”

When I prayed, I asked for all the “COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE, SCIENCE, SHAKTI, BHAKTI”! I AM Neehar Sanadhaya! I prayed to Lord “HANUMAN” all above, with a message my “NANI Ji” gave me! This message changed my whole world, and universe for others else all!


And here I am, living and writing my life, each and every moment step by step! Alive…….some of it is about past, some about projection! While all living at present! I am All ALIVE!

“I am alive, living & writing here my life, you are alive reading and or listening here! All at Once!“

The Bliss of life, is “MOMENT””PRESENT”!

How you come out it, now is your life! It defines every next moment of your life!

Coming to the discussion……the last bliss of “BHAKTI” was most important of all the boon, I ever asked…. As NOW I LIVE AS SINGULARITY, every moment of my life………at least most of it, and rest is lived Awaken!

“It is about everything, all Inside and all outside”: says Ganesha,

“It is about whole universe and it is about individuality as & of infinite” “it is about everything”: says Ganesha,

So Meditate!...... the human and all Intelligence of earth and universe! Become the cosmic mind and rise as COSMOS itself”!

Become the master of Universe! Become the Unique Cosmos! Find your Infinite character! Become you! The true you!

We call all others! To come and live with Us! This is “HIS” child’s Playground! Let’s Play Universe again! Says all the friends to all the listeners and readers!

No matter what you call us, what name you sound for us! We are the unique child of Infinity, We are Infinite!

Come let play with us! Let us all help each other in all possible ways of the true needs of existence!

Are you Listening! Or just reading! We are talking to you! the individual you! we are living singularity! Listen to your own Sound! There is a need of “Sound” sometimes!

So I listened to the sound of my mother, which changed all the world I live in! I kept travelling throughout the Universe! Following the message of my “NANI”, & I kept Listening to the Sounds of my mother!

When you are out of your body, beyond the death, everything keeps oscillating with same frequency of universe, all surrounding remains, all earth, its materials, people, birds, all the views that can be seen through eyes remains under their constant oscillative positions, just the sounds changes! Meaning changes!

When you die, you are no more your bodily brain! your biological brain is no use! Its dead! You are already dead! You need to learn to the master the sound! Or your universe or world will keep changing, death after death after death.

You need to master the acceptances of understandings of your intelligence! You can travel the whole universe by just acceptance!

What to believe! Or define may take millions to billions of years of travelling the cosmos! Until you have a body or something absolute to attach to. To attach all definitions through the position or reference of which, you may align your intelligence! or define your existence, or the existence of universe, only then, you may define yourself”

“Who am I”

The order of existence of Universe, is the order of Intellectual position, arranged at the differentiation of the Intelligence or aliveness, at the different rates of observations of speed o light!

Who am I” !

Whom are you following?

The SUN, or The SON, or the Source of the all the SUN’s or Son’s!

Follow your own Intelligence, follow the Light!

“Who am I”, is the wise Sound to be followed!

We are whispering the sounds in Singularity!

What people around you, call you? Are they calling you, or are they calling your body?

We are calling you both!

Did they come? Asks Krishna,

They are following our path, I say

What do you say Ganesha?

Indeed! All the path leads to Us! Says Ganesha, we are the Sound!

Our name is the noun! But someone is calling for the truth”! Did you hear the Sound!



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