Need to solve a big challenge? Get in the flow!
Getting in the flow is essential for work and life.

Need to solve a big challenge? Get in the flow!

This Substack caught my eye as I was checking my emails this morning.

Anton Zaides

It stood out because it's related to what I'm working on today: solving a complex accounting integration for a new startup in the charitable giving sector.

GVNG provides a way to create fiscally sponsored projects for charitable giving. This means people who want to donate a lot of money don't have to start their own nonprofits but can still enjoy the benefits.

GVNG | Platform for non-profits

The Product Manager at GVNG has tasked us with fixing a core issue with the platform accounting systems integration. Solving these kinds of challenges can be incredibly difficult and frustrating. And the solutions usually boil down to getting a group of developers into a flow state. That way, we can tap into the creativity and focus needed to tackle a problem that could take forever without peak levels of concentration.

As someone who studies Yoga philosophy, I've realized Yoga is mainly about reaching this flow state. What is a flow state? It's deep meditation and total focus on a subject.

In Yoga, this is called Samadhi, follows similar steps to getting into a flow state.

It begins with focusing on something, and then taking action to get started like setting up our desks or, for me, starting a blank page to write. Then, we concentrate. Through continued focus or sheer willpower, we break through mental inertia and immerse ourselves in the topic.

That's when real creativity and problem-solving kick in. When our full attention is on our focus point, and the challenge stands out, dominating our awareness. Our conscious mind fades, and we become one with the task—this is the essence of Samadhi or flow.

Call it what you will, but entering a focused work state is crucial, especially for remote workers and IT engineers. Having worked remotely for 20 years, I've found that daily routines supporting effective flow are key to running successful operations and businesses.

Anton Zaides

Writing about Engineering Management | Director of Engineering

6 个月

Loved the yoga analogy Govind! Thanks for the share ??



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