The need to be seen and heard, in the context of time.
It is day, 28467 and the sun is approaching the horizon. ?There are still a couple of daylight hours left to be spent mindfully. The pressure to be socially accepted and respected as a valued individual contributes to making hasty assumptions about the impressions we project. Subconsciously we are aware of our dependency on others but misinterpretation of what the incoming signals might mean misguides us into making false assumptions about what others think of us.?Warning signals that are not directly related to our expectations are being cast aside. We overrate received kudos, and appreciation and add them to our thirsty self-esteem, while instinctively making positive allowances to those who complimented us. Only when we find ourselves astray or punched in our preverbal overrated self-esteem,??are we willing to concede that we might not be perceived as we wish that we were.? A continuation of reciprocity, based on the evaluation of the first impression, is unlikely because it contradicts the current understanding of the progressive arrow of time. What makes the time the most valuable asset, is the quantum arrow of time. Quantum evolution is governed by equations of motions that are time-symmetric, and by wave function collapse, which is a time-irreversible process. We are sending signals to attract responses. ?And we evaluate received signals according to parameters of what is acceptable and what isn't. Though the scope of acceptance may change, it is never less the first signals that catch our attention. This prejudgment casts an impression in our minds that would determine our readiness to commence a relationship.
?A related mental arrow arises because one has the sense that one's perception is a continuous movement from the known past to the unknown future. This phenomenon has two aspects: Memory - we remember the past and not the future, and choices - we feel that we can influence the future but not the past. The two aspects are a consequence of the causal arrow of time: past events are the cause of our present memories. The increase of entropy is thought to be related to the increase of correlations between a system, its surroundings, and the overall complexity, under an appropriate definition, thus all increase together with time. We have no idea where the future will take us. We follow intuitions based on our emotional perceptions, and we believe that these will guide us to where we want to be. ? It is the day, 28468. ?It occurred to me that the most intelligent creature in this Genesis is highly insecure. This causes individuals like you and me to resort to deception. It is as if presenting ourselves more prestigiously, would automatically impress the recipients the way we want to be seen and heard. These preemptive expectations provide us with a sense of confidence. Adopting a currently popular appeal as an image enhancer is becoming more and more socially acceptable. Every person and every entity on this planet is projecting an image. It functions as a warning signal as well as an invitation to accept and engage in a dialogue. The image occurs naturally. It is the most thought-after vibe that all living creatures rely on as an indication and a precondition to interact.? On the desirable end of the spectrum, the image projects an invitation to connect. Nature provides images to attract the opposite sex. It is also an invitation to join and become part of a social community. The need for projecting a favorable image is like the urge to scratch an itch. The more you scratch the more it itches.
A combination of impressions influences an attitude towards a person. It starts with a psychographic analysis that compares the perceived images with what is already stored in the memory as endearing or as repelling characteristics. Once the received image has been coded and accepted, it becomes a guide for the following interactions.? Image building is such an intrinsic part of our daily lives that it influences the way we value ourselves and others. Whatever is in vogue will be added to the collection of a desirable standard in the memory. The expectations are that it will enhance our social standing. We hope that our projected image will draw attention as well as followers. ? The affirmation of one's image is an important part of boosting self-esteem. ??????????????? People will continuously re-evaluate an impression they get, and change their judgment about it. An unwritten checklist of what is admirable and desirable and what is unfavorable exists in virtually every society. This checklist is to a large extent based on the images of known personalities, famous locations, and admired products. ?This value metric is under constant scrutiny and is largely driven by narratives in the media.?Having made a less favorable first impression can turn out to be difficult to amend. ? It is the morning of day 28469. Triggered by a memory recall during the night, the cognizance is ready to forge ahead ad decipher thoughts about projecting an image and gaining a reputation. ?What comes to mind is the complex balance of attributed values and perceived impressions that are summarized in the characterization of a person. While there are some general guidelines to manage the complexity of a reputation there are no measurable benchmarks nor readymade behavioral tools to manage a reputation except the adherence to ethics. ??While moving forward in a warping social environment, where the circumstances are constantly changing, the critical observations of personal integrity continue.?It takes a deeply anchored belief in a cause and the ability to react decisively to criticism and opinions, to enhance a gained reputation. Managing a reputation calls for a continuous affirmation of a genuine commitment to a cause including the occasional admissions to failure. Considering that in many cases we stand in the aura of the organizations we are associated with, we will benefit from establishing a distance between the projected image of the organization and the causes we hold to be true. By relying too much on the reputation of the organization that we belong to, we are missing out on opportunities to distinguish ourselves.?Open discussions with a trusted person, about one's own incongruities, may reveal how our own reputation morphs over time.???? When held beliefs are being compromised by unraveling contradictions, people tend to rely more on the reputation of association with large entities. Skeptics may find themselves in a quagmire where they need to choose between allegiance and their own integrity.?? And because reputation plays an important role in defining our socio-economic status we often succumb to adopting a generic posture of making a good impression instead of affirming our heartfelt commitments to what we believe in. ?? It is important to distinguish between performances designed to make an impression and expressing a profound belief that contributes to the formation of a reputation.??
Best regards, Alex.