The Need for Public Discourse

The Need for Public Discourse

Robert P. George of Princeton University and Cornel West of Harvard recently published a statement entitled: “Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression.” These two individuals have ideological differences, but they created this statement in order to emphasize the need for civility, discourse and public conversation on important issues, in particular, the need to listen to people with whom one disagrees. Here is the link.

As I read their statement, I recalled the privilege I had of touring the great city of Athens, Greece. On that tour we visited a coliseum under the mountain on which the Parthenon is perched (above photo). At that point we were reminded that Greece was the birthplace of democracy (δημοκρατ?α). One of the practices in ancient Athens was that of giving anybody 10 min to stand up in public and make an argument for whatever they valued. This became the basis of democracy, or the right to speak into those issues which impact upon you and which you value.

What do you think of George and West's statement? Is it feasible in our modern society? Where would one begin?


