The need to plan for the future...
Maillards Funeral Directors
Jersey’s only family owned, fully independent funeral directors, since 1928.
People deal with grief and impending grief in different ways, and not always the best. It isn't their fault. Grief is an individual sense of loss, and no blame should be apportioned, however this reiterates the need to plan for the future.
We offer a FREE service of LASTING WISHES whereby you can write down how you would like your funeral to be managed, whether you'd like flowers, to be buried or cremated, suggestions re the wake etc, and we'd encourage you to consider all of this at the same time you may look to write your last will and testament that is lodged with your chosen law firm.
Death is inevitable, but but due to a dispiriting feature of human nature, some people with a life-ending illness can increasingly find themselves alone as the end draws near as friends and families drift away. Maybe it is a sense of awkwardness, fear or just an instinctive desire to steer clear of the fate that awaits, but they mean no harm.
Lasting wishes can be written at any time of life and can be updated at no cost whenever you feel like it, so why wait? - Write down what you want and how you want that final journey to be enacted.
Our Funeral Directors can help guide you, and they have so many positive stories of laughter and happiness during funeral planning processes as people remember the good times.
Don't leave the difficult decisions and the uncertainty of 'what' to loved ones that remain.
Contact us on 737291 or take a look at our website