The Need of a Physician
Everyone hates getting sick. When the illness first comes on there is a slight change in how you feel. That is when I start to ask myself if I am getting sick. Within a couple of days, you know you are sick. For me, that is when the debate begins. I start to argue with myself about going to the doctor. Part of me says to fork over the money and get the antibiotic. The other part says to keep your money, your body will heal in a few days. This debate can rage on due to my stubbornness until I realize I need a physician.
It is most unfortunate that this debate happens spiritually. In Mark 2: 15 – 17 Jesus referred to himself as a physician and sinners as those who are sick. “Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi's house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him. And when the scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to His disciples, "How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?" When Jesus heard it, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."
Since all men have sinned (Romans 3: 23) all men need a physician. Not just a physician that can heal fleshly infirmities, but the Great Physician. One who can heal the flesh and the soul. However, just as I become stubborn about seeing the doctor when I get sick, sinners become stubborn about calling on the Great Physician.
This is where preaching becomes so important. Just as my wife urges me to see the doctor, Christians need to encourage the sinner to call on Jesus. It is easy to forget your soul is sick when busy enjoying the pleasures of sin. Being in sin is not something you generally feel physically. With that, anyone can become so caught up in worldly affairs they do not see the need for the Great Physician. Do you think the blind followers of the blind that Jesus referenced in Mark 15: 14 knew they were going to fall in a ditch? What about those who will be surprised on Judgment Day? (Matthew 7: 21 – 23) Their time is running short and they need Christians to preach to them about Jesus. Will you help them?
James Richard Dodson