Need a paycheck?

Need a paycheck?

There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting a paycheck. After-all, you probably have some necessary expenses required to just live. Consider for just a moment, the mindset that sets-in over time relating to “getting a paycheck.” Over time, your paycheck grows but so does your expenses. You pay for your college or skills training; maybe get married - start a family; buy a house and several cars; take a vacation; then start the cycle over by funding your kid’s college.

That’s a lot of money going out and likely your paycheck is not keeping pace. Unfortunately, that’s the life for many Americans and we find that after doing all we can to keep the train moving, we get to retirement with absolutely nothing ...including that paycheck. For some, they are only emulating their parents or just going along with what we think everyone else is doing.

So if you knew going in (start of your adult life) that the aforementioned approach would not yield the kind life you want, would you do something different? I think most would answer with a resounding yes. So what now? 

There is hope because there is still time (if you are reading this). Starting out, you are probably going to need a steady paycheck but don’t get stuck in the “needing a paycheck mindset.” When you trade time for money, you are doing so for the sake of a paycheck. Your ability to make money work for you -vs- you working for it is going to be key in getting off the “need a paycheck” train. So, starting today (or as soon as possible) a portion of your paycheck must be earmarked for making this transition.



Hosea Hargrett (H2), MBA,PMP,CSM的更多文章

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