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(((Traditional Thinking)))

Unfortunately, the world population is often educated along the lines of life and death by way of attending Church or reading The Bible. Both are excellent avenues of education, but for most people, a void is left in this education process. First off many communicators of the five-fold ministry communicate information shaded by their particular domination, plus many individuals who read the Bible comprehend through their limited understanding.

This may come as a shock to most of us that when The Creator brought the world into existence for mankind different dominations were not in the game plan. Mankind interjected this process into the equation themselves at a much later date in time. However, everything that we need to live by is incorporated into The Holy Spirit Inspired Bible.

The Creator is omnipotent or all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future. This also means that The Creator has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc., with power that is infinite, or limitless.

(((Eternity Past and The Eternal Purpose)))

In Eternity Past The Creator existed in incorporeal form or having no material body or form. This existence manifested itself as The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. It was at a certain point in time of this realm that The Creator manifested or brought into existence The Angelic population who were spirit beings that at a point in time were to minister to mankind who was to be created in the future.

To simplify everything I have broken down the history of mankind into the seven dispensations that our creator meant for us. They include The Dispensation of Innocence, The Dispensation of Conscience, The Dispensation of Human Government, The Dispensation of Promise, The Dispensation of Law, The Dispensation of Grace, and The Millennial Kingdom of Christ. Now in intricate detail, they are listed and summarized below!

(((The Seven Dispensations and What are they?))) 

The seven dispensations are part of a system of biblical interpretation called dispensationalism. Some dispensationalists identify more dispensations, but for the purposes of this article, we will discuss the seven common dispensations found in the Bible. Generic dispensationalism divides the history of mankind into seven distinct dispensations: The dispensation of innocence, the dispensation of conscience, the dispensation of human government, the dispensation of promise, the dispensation of Law, the dispensation of grace, and the millennial kingdom of Christ.

It is important to note that these seven dispensations are a man-made way of understanding what the Bible has revealed to us about God's purposes towards men. Dispensationalism is not a biblical concept, nor is it found anywhere in the Bible. It is a theological system of organizing and understanding God's work, but it is not itself Scripture. 

"Dispensation" signifies "an arrangement of the request, government, or association of a country, group, and so on., particularly as existing at a specific time." Looking through the Bible, we can discover seven unmistakable administrations, or "methods for getting things done" that were God-requested and God-appointed. Every agreement has a reason in the general story. The accompanying is a concise portrayal of every allotment. 

(((The Dispensation of Innocence))) 

This regulation covers the time from the production of man to the fall of man (Genesis 1:28-30 and 2:15-17). The majority of God's animals inhabited peace with themselves and with each other, and the world was without transgression or demise. The man was to multiply, control the earth and the creatures, and deal with the garden. He was given one order to comply: not to eat of the tree of the learning of good and insidiousness. Eve and Adam resisted this administer, and were ousted from the garden as a discipline, finishing the allotment of honesty. 

(((The Dispensation of Conscience))) 

The removal from the garden started the administration of soul—a period when the man was left to run himself by his own particular will and still, small voice, both of which had been spoiled by transgression. It was a debacle, and finished in a fiasco—the overall surge (Genesis 3:8—8:22). Amid this allotment, the man turned out to be wicked to the point that "each aim of the considerations of his heart was just underhanded persistently" and God lamented making man and was "lamented to his heart" (Genesis 6:5-6).

This was likewise the time when fallen angels mated with human women and created monsters, detestable posterity called Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-4). God finished mankind with a flood and start again with Noah and his family (Genesis 6:11-18). 

(((The Dispensation of Human Government))) 

The agreement of human government started soon after the flood. God made guarantees and offered orders to Noah and his family. God guaranteed not to curse the earth again, and never to flood it again. He told Noah and his children to repopulate the world and disperse over the earth, and He enabled them to utilize creatures for sustenance.

God likewise settled the law of the death penalty (Genesis 8:1-9:7). Noah's relatives neglected to "fill the earth" as was ordered, and rather they cooperated to build the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). God countered this activity by confounding their dialects, making distinctive countries and societies that later spread to various parts of the known world. This was the start of human government. 

(((The Dispensation of Promise))) 

The allotment of human government kept going until the call of Abraham. The call of Abraham, the lives of the patriarchs, and the subjugation of the Jewish individuals to Egypt all fall under the administration of guarantee. This was the time when Abraham's relatives sat tight for the guarantee that was given to Abraham: that God would make Abraham's relatives an incredible country and give them their own particular land (Genesis 12:1-7).

This administration finished with the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. When they cleared out Egypt they were formally a country, drove by God into the wilderness toward the Promised Land. 

(((The Dispensation of Law))) 

The allotment of law kept going right around 1,500 years, starting with the Exodus and closure with the torturous killing and revival of Jesus Christ. The conveyance of the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law, found in Exodus 19—23, plot the standard of flawlessness that God required from His kin, and incorporated the guidelines about sanctuary love and gives up.

This was the time of ministers, prophets, and rulers, both great and malice. The general population of Yahweh more than once broke His charges and strayed after different divine beings. It is critical to take note of that strict after of rules was never as vital to God as benevolence and dedication (Hosea 6:6). 

The law was given to demonstrate the general population that they expected to rely on God and believe Him to spare them, as opposed to believing themselves, their own particular goodness, or different divine beings for salvation. He has never expected flawlessness—on the off chance that He did, He would not have given the conciliatory framework as a path for man to state "yes, I have trespassed; here is an image of my requirement for absolution and compensation." The blood of bulls and goats can't take away sin—they are an image, anticipating the One whose blood could take away sin (Hebrews 9:11-14; Hebrews 10:3-10). 

The Dispensation of Grace 

The regulation of beauty began at the revival of Jesus Christ and proceeds with today. It is the new pledge in Christ's blood (Luke 22:20). This is additionally called the "period of effortlessness" or the "congregation age," and researchers trust that the whole regulation—over 2,000 years—happens between the 69th and 70th long stretches of Daniel's prediction in Daniel 9:24.

Reparation was given on the cross, once for all, for any who might trust: Abraham's kids are every one of the individuals who have confidence, including Gentiles (or non-Jews) (Hebrews 10:10, 14; Romans 5:1; Romans 3:29-30; Galatians 3:7, 29). Amid this agreement, we likewise have a Comforter with us, the Holy Spirit of God, who indwells adherents (John 14:16-26). 

Dispensationalists trust that the Church Age will end with the bliss of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10) and afterward the tribulation, the seven years when the individuals who harp on the earth will encounter God's judgment, will start (Daniel 12:1-4; Matthew 24:21-27).

The correct planning of the euphoria is a subject of extraordinary open deliberation, however, dispensationalists trust it will occur toward the start of the seven years. We do realize that a few people will be spared amid the tribulation (Revelation 7:14-17) and that it will end with the clash of Armageddon when Jesus Christ will return and annihilation Satan and any who might tail him into the fight (Revelation 19:11—20:3). 

The Millennial Kingdom of Christ 

The Millennial Kingdom starts with the thrashing of Satan (Revelation 20:1-3) and ushers in 1,000 years of peace, where Christ will rule on the earth (Revelation 20:4). This is the satisfaction of numerous predictions, proclaiming that Christ will return and be King. After the 1,000 years are finished, Satan will be discharged. Individuals will again tail him in a fight against God, and they will be vanquished once more (Revelation 20:7-10).

There will be the last judgment surprisingly, awesome and little (Revelation 20:11-15), the old earth and paradise will be decimated by flame, Satan will be tossed into the pool of flame, and this will start the Eternal Kingdom, the new paradise and the new earth (Revelation 21 and 22). "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and demise might be not anymore, neither should there grieve nor crying nor torment any longer, for the previous things have passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

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