Need Nothing from Outside
Need Nothing from Outside
Being or Source is one. At the pinnacle of consciousness there is fullness. As we proceed from subtle to physical, however, from pure consciousness to body consciousness, “becoming” is the unavoidable truth. At the spiritual and subtle level, Being (Oneness) is the Absolute reality. While at the physical level, becoming (many-ness) is the Relative reality, which keeps on changing.
?While for plant and animal species, the purpose that moves them is about growth, sustenance and sense enjoyments, for human beings the purpose is more about discovering and aligning with the higher Self. There is this is a very popular quote of 13th century Persian poet, Rumi “What we seek is seeking us.” It’s the purpose or a cause that your mind aligns with your higher Self.
?People spend most of their lives running after things, doing things. They forget that being comes before doing. Those who remember this open secret make an effort to “be” and discover that when they stop and observe, life helps and brings whatever is needed.
?A baby finds the purpose of happiness with anything and everything. Each and every moment of his life is fused with a purposeful existence. As we grow up, our purpose is conditioned with social norms like success in terms of numbers or figures, being superior or inferior, hierarchy, seniority, promotions, and so on. The very concept of “purpose” loses its essence then. It’s no more a dream or a passion; rather, it’s a conditioned rat race where the society tells you where, when, and how to experience happiness.
?For instance, if someone else has good news, we may reflexively compare ourselves what we are missing out of life and feel envious, no matter how sincere our intentions are. Sometimes our feelings are so conditioned that there is only a limited amount of happiness to go around and, therefore, when something good happens to another, there is less left for us. So, something that’s intrinsic and eternal becomes something that is extrinsic, simulative or conducive. Happiness then becomes a task and not an inherent attribute.
?Have you ever wondered why a baby derives joy from anything, while grownups feel depressed when they have to wear the same branded clothes or jewelry on two separate occasions? This shows that happiness has nothing to do with the object; instead the locus of happiness is within us, our own state of awareness. The door of eternal happiness and potentiality is labelled “pull,” but we’re busy pushing this outside. What we seek outside is present inside. The highest Intelligence, our higher Self, the Ultimate, the Absolute – whatever name we call it – resides within, guiding and supporting us. Therefore, the most important aspect of our outer creation is the need to be aligned with our inner world.
?In the spiritual domain we are own own master. Mother Teresa sought love and compassion for the sick and the ailing, and her intention attracted energies across the globe where masses joined her in large numbers in fulfilling her mission. A terrorist may seek destruction for someone and, in the process, lands up destroying himself, his family, his nation. Whatever we fill ourselves with pours outside. In the energy world, “what flows in” is “what flows out.” What we look for comes searching for us.
Let the new mantra be give, give, give – time, pure energy, assistance, care, compassion, co-operation, rejoice in the happiness of others. On how many levels do you see the opportunity to give? It’s good to be a ‘just do it’ person. Even better to be a ‘just give it’ person. And the paradox will make itself known – when you give you will realise you already have everything you need.
?Have a blissful day !