Need more Sales???

Need more Sales???

Join Laura Evans Award-winning NLP Trainer for the latest FREE lunch and learn WEBINAR.“They just won't buy!"- Making Sales easier with NLP”

12.15pm - 1.45pm Thursday 12th November.

Registration is essential (see link at the bottom of this article)

Webinar Title: They just won't buy!"- Making Sales easier with NLP

Date: 12 November 2020

Time: 12.15pm - 1.45pm (ONLINE)

Book your seat on this webinar here:-

During this webinar session we’ll cover:

  • What is NLP and how it can help your business & sales?
  • Why we're all in sales - even if you don't sell a product or service!
  • Why some people think 'sales' is a dirty word and how you can reframe it to get you over this first hurdle!
  • How building rapport makes the difference in sales - understand how the mind works and how to build rapport with anyone, therefore, making sales easier.
  • How everyone has their 'preferred' language - listening in a new way makes tailoring your communication easier so your messages lands more effectively.
  • How 3 filters of the mind can further help you tailor your communication - filters you'd wish you'd learned years ago!
  • How some strategic questions give us clues to how you best position the product/service/idea.

Not able to make the time/date? Sign up today and receive the replay in your inbox once the webinar has finished!!

Book your seat here -


