Need a massive cry?
Louisa Hussey
Menopause Trainer / EFT / Smart Works Partnerships / Panellist / Pretending to be Kylie.
For a long time, I tried to pretend this wasn't the case.
I DEFINITELY tried to avoid saying it out loud.
But here it is.
Working with me WILL (almost definitely) make you cry.
You will probably, most likely, at some point, cry.
I have one client who needed to SCREAM. So we did.
?So, phew. There it is. Out in the open.
And it only dawned on me this morning, that I've been trying to pretend that it might not.
.The thing is, quite often, we don't want to cry. We don't want to 'lose control'.
Or we might not have someone that feels 'safe enough' to cry with.
Or we panic that if we start, we might not stop?
Well, I'm here to suggest, perhaps you really need a big old ugly cry?
In fact, I'm going to even go one step further… if you DON'T cry, I sometimes assume we've not quite hit the right spot.
A back-to-front org@sm if you will.
Find the right spot, stay there til there's a release.
(sorry, not sorry!)
I've described this before as part purge, part org@sm.
The relief of finally letting it all out.
So, here's your May Invitation.
We'll have 90 mins of pure indulgent crying, wailing, sobbing, sighing or screaming obscenities at whoever, whatever needs to be screamed at.
Trust me, you'll feel AMAZING afterwards.
Love Louisa