Need to make changes in 2022? Start with your P.O.V.
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Need to make changes in 2022? Start with your P.O.V.

How we see things — our unique point-of-view — skews everything we do.

Whether it’s building a brand, making a video, or setting new year resolutions, P.O.V. can make all the difference.

?Here’s why most resolutions don’t stick: Every year we vow to do something different, but we approach the task from the same old point-of-view.

But we have to change our minds before we change behavior. Sometimes the mental change of is the hardest part.

When it comes to marketing, avoid the Me, Me, Me P.O.V.

?This is one of the most common mistakes in sales pitches, presentations and advertising: The business owner or marketer puts her point-of-view ahead of the audience’s point-of-view. ?

?But that inside-the-bottle perspective is totally skewed. It revolves around business goals and operational realities rather than what’s in it for the prospect.

?If you want to be convincing, you have to pull back and take a wider perspective. You have to get out of the way and open your eyes, like a fish-eye lens, to other viewpoints.

?Prospects won’t pull the trigger unless they can first imagine themselves using your product or service.?In their fist-person P.O.V.

Long-term branding success hinges on attracting like-minded customers and building a sense of community. You’ll never do that if you don’t have a well defined P.O.V. for your brand that’s communicated clearly in your marketing materials and content.

?It doesn’t have to be a universally loved P.O.V. to be successful.

?Some brands, like PXG in golf, chose to bring an obnoxiously superior point of view to everything they do. Claims are boisterous and unbelievable, but that’s the PXG brand. People either love it or they hate it. There’s no in between.

It works with a certain segment of the market precisely because it’s strong and obnoxious.

Is your current P.O.V. helping or hurting your business?

We can help you figure that out.

We’re currently scheduling 6 intensive brand assessments for 2022 that’ll provide the outsider’s point-of-view you really need to move boldly forward.

It's surprisingly affordable. Call for pricing - it depends on the complexity of your marketing program and the format you'd prefer. We can do it on site. Via Zoom. Or here in Bend, Oregon while you're on vacation.

We’ll assess your marketing plan, study your tactics, and dive into your brand strategy. Then we’ll provide an intensive coaching session where we deliver a clear, decisive plan on how to balance your efforts with a harmonious combination of strategy and tactics.


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