Need Help Finding Inspiration?
Hugh Coppen
Inspirational Safari Leader | Hosts Unforgettable Experiences | African Roots, Global Perspective | Deeply Immerses You in Nature | Executive Coach | Speaker | Lifelong Rugby Fan
In the old days of sailing ships, your worst situation was to sail into an area of flat calm winds. The ship floats around, literally powerless, with no direction and no energy to go anywhere - and no idea how long these unfavorable conditions will last.
There are times in our lives when we find ourselves adrift in that same boat (pardon the pun), listless, being carried along with the tide (another pun), our sense of purpose as empty as an endless horizon.
That’s when we most need that fresh wind, that exhilarating burst of inspiration to propel us forward again.
What Inspiration Is
Inspiration is that energy that drives us, the fire that ignites our passions, beckoning us to sail boldly towards a distant shore. It can be an event, a milestone in life, a situation or a person - anything that causes us to think or act differently. You know it when you feel it. It creates an inflection point that you realize, one way or another, is changing your direction.
Think back to pivotal moments in your life when something became an inflection point that changed the path you were on. What was that inspiration (or painful lesson), that ignited that transformation?
Inspiration is a powerhouse in our lives, a beacon that breaks through the confines of stale thinking and of the habits and routines that are lulling us into a comfort zone of complacency. It awakens us to view the world through a different lens, and to see possibilities and opportunities that we never imagined before.
In short, Inspiration challenges our status quo.
The Power of Inspiration
Having liberated our opportunistic self, that’s when inspiration goes to work. ?When we are truly inspired, a passion is ignited within us to follow some exciting new direction in our lives. That passion irresistibly drives us to take the actions that will fulfill the opportunity, and those actions are what define our pathway to personal growth and fulfillment. ?
That’s the power of inspiration in our lives.
Inspiration comes to us in many different guises. It often emerges from monumental events that shape our lives – births and deaths, triumphs and failures, milestones or shocks - or even a global pandemic. Each moment, whether joyous or tragic, can be our catalyst for profound change.
Or we can choose to go in search of inspiration. During every Tasimba safari we lead into the African wilderness, we witness first-hand the extraordinary inspiration that is to be found in deeply authentic encounters with the natural world. Our guests arrive eager with anticipation, ready to be immersed in the beauty and wonder of wildlife and nature. And every time, they are struck with awe at their unexpected emotional reaction to the incredible world that unfolds before their eyes.
Inspiration Comes Alive Here
Here is where inspiration comes alive.? It beckons us to connect openly with the world around us and to awaken the possibilities that lie within. Experiences in the wild are raw, they’re real and they reach deep within us. ?In this vast, private wilderness, embedded and immersed in a world they never knew existed and surrounded by amazing wonders of nature that far exceed their expectations, our guests’ experience a powerful readiness to think and act differently. They are truly inspired.
They find new awareness, discover new perspectives, question old beliefs and are willing to boldly embrace a new direction. Watching our guests draw inspiration from the wild motivates our own passion to continue offering our unique Tasimba safari experience to as many others as we can!
For each of them, their journey with us becomes an inspiration and an inflection point that changes them forever.