Malta's Need or Greed?

Malta's Need or Greed?


Have you ever heard the saying, “it’s not what you have, but what you do with it?” This is an important concept to consider when looking at the current state of Malta. Malta is an incredibly beautiful island with a vast number of resources and a strong culture; however, it can be difficult to determine if the Maltese are using these elements out of need or out of greed. This greed mentality is of course unhealthy and destroys any potential for progress on many fronts, as everyone should have a chance to thrive in so many ways in life. The people of Malta might need however, to shift their mentality and start focusing on taking what they have and using it to create positive changes in their community – from business opportunities to promoting sustainability and preserving the local environment. Taking action based on need rather than greed might change Malta’s face anyhow!

The Difference Between Need and Greed

Everyone wants more in life - more money, possessions, and power. Ambition to get what we need and work for what we want sounds pretty amazing, isn't it? Greed on the other hand, is often driven by a desire, personal gain, or financial gain and can lead us down the wrong path. Too often, as humans, we try to gratify our fleeting desires that have little-to-no actual significance in the grand scheme of things, but when we come from a place of understanding and realising why we are seeking something in life and the importance of fulfilling that desire for us, it helps us focus on the things that truly matter and give us fulfilment. A clear sense of purpose helps us assess the most valuable opportunities and allow us to invest time and resources into tasks that will bring about true success without getting swayed by superficial wants. In this way, purpose, guides our choices and helps reduce feelings of greed or self-indulgence, so that we can instead prioritise our well-being above all else.

What are Malta’s Needs?

Maltese citizens deserve to live in a prosperous nation, and it’s time to envision a future of growth and opportunity. By working together, Malta can create the perfect balance of investments in its people and resources, resulting in a stronger economy, more efficient infrastructure and better access to quality education, healthcare, and recreational facilities for all citizens. On top of that, affordable housing solutions could be executed so that all people can experience the same level of prosperity. Sustainable measures could also be taken to consideration to protect Malta’s environment, so that we can continue to enjoy the natural beauty of this nation.

As a nation, we have an incredible opportunity to harness the potential of Malta and transform it into an even more prosperous country. This can be achieved by prioritising our goals right, including creating a strong economy that provides jobs and reduces poverty; improved infrastructure to simplify operations; offering better educational opportunities so that citizens are poised to pursue employment and further their careers, and providing affordable housing with access to resources such as healthcare and recreational facilities.

We can strive to ensure that these lofty aspirations are matched with the resources and investment needed to bring out Malta’s unique character, to draw foreigners and tourists in this beautiful country. Offering innovative services, protecting heritage and natural attractions, providing support services and improving accessibility could all be inherent steps towards these aspirations. As well as working on the infrastructure available across Malta, we might be focusing on creating vibrant communities where locals can feel at home, enjoy their time and admire the beauty that their homeland has to offer with its warm atmosphere of hospitality. Working together with positivity and determination, we can truly make this a reality!

Economic Diversification

Malta's impressive economic accomplishments aren't by luck; it's the result of an effective strategy of capitalising on its natural strengths. Tourism and financial services have been two powerful sources of increased growth, but why stop there? Just like in business, success doesn't come without careful attention to every detail – and that means applying the same strategy to weaknesses as well. It isn't simply enough to coast off on existing assets; to ensure continued growth, Malta can also make sure any weaknesses be addressed just as effectively. With investment in industries like technology, green energy, and manufacturing, Malta can bring much-needed economic stability and flexibility to its future. In other words - strength in numbers! Investment in these newer industries will not only ensure sustainable economic growth over time, but also help create jobs for people - something everyone wants to see! Moving forward down this path, Malta will have more control over its economic destiny than ever before.


Addressing the need for improved infrastructure in Malta is about increasing safety and efficiency and creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for current and future generations. By investing in modern roads, public transportation networks, bike/scooter lanes and sidewalks, Malta can reduce its reliance on cars to get around, thus diminishing air pollution and associated respiratory illnesses. Our commitment to a healthier planet should extend even further into renewable energy sources such as solar power, creating a cleaner and more efficient energy supply while reducing emissions drastically. Investing in better infrastructure enhances the quality of life now while providing a legacy of sustainability!

Education Overhaul

Today’s students in Malta are at the frontlines of a dynamic, constantly evolving landscape. An adjustment could be made within the Maltese educational system to ensure relevance and success for the youth of today. It is the collective obligation of all interested and invested parties to ensure that our children have access to technology, skills training such as coding and artificial intelligence, as well as highly trained teachers capable of teaching these essential pieces for lifelong learning and meaningful involvement in today’s digital economy. The future of Malta and its citizens depends on us acting now to create a wave of innovators and industry drivers who feel empowered by what they have learned during their journey. Let’s make sure that whenever moment to embark on, this journey presents itself dynamically, so that our students will be prepared for the exciting destination that awaits!


Malta has seen rapid population growth over the years, accompanied by an inadequate number of healthcare professionals. This means that individuals are faced with long wait times and sub-par medical care. Swift action may be required to ensure Malta’s healthcare system can adequately meet the needs of its citizens. Environmental, economic, and social wellbeing might all benefit if their healthcare woes were addressed. The future of healthcare in Malta looks very promising, and by taking long-term initiatives the government has a chance to make this a reality. Providing incentives to attract the best professionals in the island, is a smart choice that will bear positive results for the generations to come. Such investments will help create a premier healthcare system that can be admired globally. Furthermore, it would drastically improve patient care and reduce waiting times, allowing community members to get the specialised attention they need with minimal hassle.

Social Security

Social security can be a cornerstone of financial stability for many Maltese citizens living and working in the country. Unfortunately, many individuals remain unaware of their rights and obligations when using the system. Knowledge is power, and education about the proper use of the social security system can go a long way towards ensuring equity in society. In addition, educating people about their rights will help reduce potential abuses or misuse of power related to exploiting loopholes in the system. Everyone should be adequately informed and aware to ensure they receive all the benefits to which they are entitled without abusing the system or taking advantage of their privileges.

Employment Opportunities

Unemployment is a serious and ongoing problem, not just in Malta but around the world. We must work together to create solutions that bring real change to our citizens and the Maltese economy. With a population of just over half a million people and an economy based on tourism and financial services, during these last two years, Malta still was hit hard by the effects of COVID-19 and now with the struggles Europe is facing regarding the ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine. Yet despite this, the Maltese government has been able to quickly adapt their economic policies to respond to the changing times.

However, we need to think creatively about how we can equip people with the necessary skills to find work that can provide valuable opportunities for growth and stability; it also encourages spending within Malta’s borders by strengthening the local labour market, which ultimately benefits everyone. With its dynamic economy and strong focus on technological advancement, Malta is an excellent place for individuals seeking new employment opportunities. There are plenty of jobs available in traditional sectors such as tourism as well as burgeoning start-up scenes where one can find cutting edge projects powered by AI or blockchain technology. ?Only through bold initiatives like these can we ensure our nation becomes a prosperous future of economic security and prosperity.

Maltese language for Foreigners working in Malta

When foreign workers come to Malta, they often find themselves facing a daunting language barrier. Although English is spoken in the country, Maltese is the official language. This means that if one wants to be successful in building relationships and networking with the locals, having basic fluency in Maltese will be essential. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help overcome the language barrier and make the transition smoother for foreign workers.

One of the best ways to learn Maltese quickly is to take a course at one of Malta’s many language schools. These courses are specifically designed to give foreigners an introduction to the basics of Maltese and will cover topics such as grammar, pronunciation, and conversational phrases. Most courses last between two weeks and two months and can be tailored to the individual’s needs.

Another great way to learn Maltese is through online language learning platforms such as Duolingo or Babbel. These programmes are easy-to-use and present information in a fun, engaging format that makes it easier for users to retain new concepts. The programmes also offer interactive activities that allow users to practice their newly acquired skills with native speakers from all over the world.

Lastly, one of the most effective ways for foreigners working in Malta to become fluent in Maltese is by participating in free language exchanges with local residents or other expats who have been living in Malta for some time. These exchanges usually involve spending a few hours each week chatting with someone who speaks both English and Maltese; during these chats one can practice their speaking skills while learning about another culture at the same time!

Youth Development Programmes

The potential of Malta is immense and brimming with opportunity – but left to its own devices, it will remain untapped. It is essential to invest in the youth of this island; providing practical resources, mentorship, and a range of experiences for those who seek them. Through mentoring programmes in which young people can gain insight from those with experience, we can provide guidance that has the power to unlock that potential. By giving suitable pathways and teaching them marketable skills such as entrepreneurship, leadership, problem-solving and communication, we encourage confidence and skill-building opportunities so that anyone can pursue their ambitions. That’s how we make certain that the potential of Malta is not wasted – it lies in the hands of the young people we equip today!

What are Malta’s Greeds?

Greed has had a long and storied history in Malta, stemming back to its colonial past. While under British rule, people were encouraged to focus on the material gain over other pursuits such as knowledge and family values. Unfortunately, this mentality has been propagated well into the modern era and is even viewed as commonplace nowadays. It has become a thorough source of power for influential business leaders who use the greed of others to their advantage and make more money themselves, while the ones supporting them inevitably suffer in some way or another.

This trend does not happen overnight - it is rooted in people’s choices, especially when it comes to money. Those who are already wealthy are finding it easier to get even wealthier while poor people are struggling to make ends meet. This leads to an ever-widening gap between rich and poor that only increases over time, resulting in a society where those with money hold all the power while those without are left behind. The middle class plays an important role in stimulating economic growth in Malta, however its declining participation will likely result in slower progress overall. The authorities can take responsibility for this challenge and make every effort to empower this segment of our population - with improved access to education, more chances for meaningful employment, and social support where necessary. By providing such opportunities we can ensure that the Maltese middle class remains a strong and active participant in both their own lives and that of society.

Making an effort to strive for financial literacy and understanding how money works, encourage individuals to understand what true wealth looks like instead of myopically focusing on short-term gains at the risk of missing out on long-term value. By creating this shift in the way we think about money, I believe that together, we can bring Malta into the future equipped with a new way of living - one which brings real joy and fulfilment rather than fleeting gratification followed by eventual discontentment.

If there is one thing, we can all agree on, nobody is an island. What happens to someone affects everyone around them, and the lack of social responsibility in Malta is a testament to that. When individuals are allowed to act without regard for others, a culture emerges in which people’s desires take precedence over everything else, including the well-being of others. Individuals become obsessed with satisfying their immediate needs without considering how it might negatively affect other members of society. One would need to strive to build a culture where everyone will have each other’s back and follows the laws and regulations to keep everyone safe. After all, our collective success as a nation depends on the individual success of its citizens, and laws alone are not enough to ensure that everyone acts responsibly.

Greediness in Relationships

In Malta, there is a tendency for individuals to focus on getting all they can from those around them without giving anything in return. Unfortunately, this can lead to an environment where greediness and selfishness are seen as the norm and form the basis of relationships between family members. This often leads to a breach of trust between them and creates a culture where helping others is viewed negatively rather than something that should be encouraged and applaud. Relationships are one of the most precious gifts in life, and it requires some effort, courage and commitment to cultivate them. If we want to enjoy the incredible feelings that only relationships can provide, then we must be willing to invest generously in them or else they’ll never thrive. Greediness should have no place when it comes to relationships; although the Maltese culture may be encouraging it, this won’t only damage those interactions but will also leave us with nothing at the end. We must all strive for creating relationships based on unconditional trust and mutual respect rather than trying to take advantage of one another; such practices might lead us down an extremely painful path with no escape from misery.

Greediness in Business Practices

With a thriving economy and highly prized resources, it’s no wonder competition is fierce in this tiny island. Unfortunately, some companies have responded to this intense competition with unethical tactics such as bribery and price gouging to gain an advantage over their competitors. However, these selfish choices have created an atmosphere of insecurity and distrust in which people are willing to put morality aside if it means a chance to move forward. It is time to ditch these practices and focus on achieving sustainable success through honest work while being aware of their long-term impact on the country’s reputation. Now is the time to show that Malta is not only economically strong, but ethically strong too.

Greediness in Leisure Activities

The Maltese people are a culture known for their love of gambling, but this certainly doesn’t come without a cost. When it comes to leisure activities, some people often get greedy and put in more than they can afford or refuse to stop even when they are ahead. Unfortunately, this type of behaviour can be extremely damaging, both financially and emotionally. Some people rely on gambling to feel happy and fulfilled rather than seeking alternative sources such as hobbies and quality time with loved ones. If you or someone you know is struggling with an unhealthy relationship with gambling, I urge you to break the cycle and find other avenues to lead a healthy life through activities that bring joy and contentment to life.

The Impact of Greed on Politics

This growing problem can be seen in politicians, who may be tempted by bribery or nepotism, as well as everyday citizens. Whether taking advantage of a vulnerable person or manipulating a situation for financial gain - greed is ruining relationships and reputations and slowly stripping away the island’s spirit. If we want Malta to remain a vibrant community that values honesty and integrity, we must actively stand up against greed and see past its superficial allure.

In recent years there have been numerous reports of corruption involving Maltese politicians who have taken advantage of their positions for personal gain or political favouritism. This led to public distrust of our political figures, making it difficult for election or re-election. This issue speaks volumes about how pervasive greed can be if left unchecked and why it’s so important for governments to ensure that they are taking steps to combat this type of behaviour before it spirals out of control. Thus, I urge that we rally and demand a change; let’s create an atmosphere where elected officials put the needs of their people first. Only through this route can we restore faith in our institutions and build a brighter future for all of us in Malta.

Environment Degradation

Malta is sadly seeing the direct effects of this as environmental degradation continues. Much of the new development in Malta is done without any regulation whatsoever, meaning there is little room for waste management and air quality initiatives to be rolled out – with rising levels of air and water pollution becoming a common problem for the locals. Pollution levels are at an all-time high, with air, soil and water pollution rife due to easily avoidable issues like disregard for environmental regulations and the short-term savings of time and money as developers try to line their own pockets.

The impact of our nation’s failure to properly regulate construction projects is no insignificant problem; it has serious consequences for both the environment and the economy. As more buildings are constructed, more open space is taken away, uprooting natural habitats. Unfortunately, the island nation is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, which means these negative consequences continue to mount, but we can still take steps to reverse them; reinforced economic policies that focus on environmental protection and restoration go hand-in-hand with fostering a society that no longer values material gains but values awareness - conscious compassion for the environment, and public health are only becoming meaningful lead to changes.

Additionally, poorly managed overfishing practices have also had devastating consequences for the Maltese fishing industry, as demand for fish has increasingly been met with depleted stock and a glaring lack of sustainability from companies looking to reap greater profits without considering long-term implications. The Maltese often spend too much time dwelling on what has already gone wrong, when we could be looking long-term for smarter solutions. It's important to remember that it takes time to get things right, and the consequences of any mistakes can take generations to reverse or repair. However, with the right resources, policies and government oversight in place, there is still time to create a healthier future for all of us.


Greed has been a major factor affecting Malta’s politics and environment. From corruption and bribery to environmental degradation and poorly guided overfishing practices, it is evident that unchecked greed can lead to long-term consequences with far-reaching implications. However, it is not too late to reverse this trend - strengthened economic policies that focus on environmental protection and restoration alongside increased government oversight could help curb such behaviour. Ultimately, the Maltese need a shift from materialistic gains to conscious compassion for public health and the environment. Doing so, will ensure a healthier future for all of us in Malta. We all must make an effort to create a better future, whether by raising awareness or lobbying for policy changes. Every voice and action matters in creating a better tomorrow; together, we can create a brighter future for Malta. Let’s rally and demand change - let’s work together to secure a healthier and more sustainable future for our island nation. Together, we can make a difference. Let’s do this!


Dr. Duncan Borg Ellul, DProf的更多文章

