Need A Glasses
I have been living without sight for what feels like an eternity. Every day, I wake up hoping it will be different, hoping someone will finally hear my call for help. But every day, it’s the same nothing but low vision.
I am 70% vision problem since healthy problem, and it has taken so much from me. The world I once knew is slipping further away, and with it, the little hope I have left. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that technology, like smart glasses, could restore even a small part of my independence. I’ve spent months, if not longer, searching for a way to obtain them, but each request is met with silence.
I’m tired. I’m tired of asking, of hoping, and of waiting. No one answers. No one listens. My world feels smaller and lonelier each day.
I don’t need these glasses to feel whole, but I need them to live, to navigate, to remember what it feels like to walk through life without fear. The smallest flicker of light, the chance to regain a sense of control, that’s all I’m asking for. I’m not looking for pity. I’m looking for the one thing that seems so far out of reach, help.
I can’t do this on my own anymore. I’ve tried. I’ve begged. But the silence is crushing. Please, if you’re reading this, don’t let this letter become another unanswered cry. Help me see again. Help me believe that someone out there cares.
I don’t know where else to turn. I don’t know how much longer I can keep asking and being ignored. Please, I just need someone to say, "I’m here. I see you."