Need to get rid of the "self-love" bond!
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
Need to get rid of the "self-love" bond!
The self-centered one does not remain with genuine love for his fellow humans. "This loveless attitude" is the only root cause of his harsh treatment of others. Even though he pretended as much as he shows love, he does not have true love like Christ!
The eldest son mentioned in the parable has never asked his father in the past years in search of the prodigal son who left his father's house! Is his brother dead? Or is he still alive? He didn't even have a drop of concern! His whole interest is "to be happy with his friends" (Luke 15:29). As far as he concerned, "he must be happy!". That's it.
Don't we just lived only for around us ? What is our attitude towards retreated people?
The youngest son we see in this parable is just a retreated person! Therefore, he can be easily condemned. It is also easy to love an unbeliever. But to love a retreated person and to help him is much tough. The Bible says about this, "If any of your Christian brother is caught in any sin, then you who are spiritual, with a gentle spirit, lift up them back to the right path" (Galatians 6:1-Living Bible).
Similarly, 1John 5:16 says, "If you see your Christian brother sinning, you must pray for them that God would forgive their sins and give them life". Do we ever pray for those who have fallen? Many of us do not pray this prayer! The only reason is that we are so focused on our self-interest!!
Oh merciful Father! You helped to see the deepness of our "self-love" within us! Give us the true "selfless love" of loving others! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen