Need a fresh start? Here are 4 things I learned from a blank PAGE...
James Owens, CDS
SAFETY, Personal Growth/Development, Leadership, CDL & FMCSA Compliance, Employee Wellness, Natural Gas, OSHA Compliance & Facilitation! Creating discussions for awareness in 8 areas. No niche here, just trying to help!
Yes, it is that time.?To some, it is the most wonderful time of the year.?No, it is not Christmas, but you probably have already received notices or cards in your mailbox.?It is that time of year when students in high school and college graduate to move on to what is often called the next chapter of their lives. You may wonder what that means.?It means different things to different people.?What I like best about the idea is that their story is yet to be written.?They get to start with a blank PAGE.?Yes, there is a history behind them and behind their story, however the next chapter starts with how they approach this next step.?It is a fresh start.?They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, and I would add that you can’t judge a chapter that starts with a blank PAGE.
A plot in a story can be a verb or a noun.?It is how you approach the plot that gives insight to your story.?We all have a story.?Your plot can be the main event or main theory of your story.?It can also be an action of trying to make or determine plans that you want to fulfill or complete.?The best thing about a blank PAGE is that you get to choose how and where you want to begin.?Where are you at in the plot of your story??Are you still making plans or are you already in the middle of the main event.?Are you transitioning to a new chain of events in your life??Is it for the betterment of your dreams and goals??Depending on your level of love for the English language and the written representation of it, you may be aware that when writing a story, the plot often follows a structure.?Some of us need the structure and some of us need to be able to allow the ebbs and flows of life to allow us to find out where we are on our journey.?The plot may thicken, but don’t forget that you are the main character in your story, and you get to write how your story goes and ultimately ends.
You are the author of your story.?As hard as that may seem, you are!?Depending on where you are at in life, you may be leaving your parents and venturing to college, or you may be leaving college and venturing into the adulting life.?It does not matter where you are at, you still get to be the author.?Sometimes there are ghost writers in stories who may assist you in helping write your story, but you will still be listed as the author on the cover of your book. A ghost writer may be someone who you trust to help share your story and to help you format your story.?It must be someone you trust.?We all have times when we need a gentle nudge to move to the next chapter, start a new PAGE, or to take the next step.?There are also times when we need advice or help to narrate and share our story.?Some people need more help than others, and some don’t need the content written, just help with the structure of their story.?As you begin to put pen to paper (or to start on the next PAGE of your story) remember that you are the author, and you will receive the credit for how you tell your story.??Share it well and inspire others!
Graphics are a part of every book. Some use visual representations or imagery to add value to the story they are writing. Some use it more than others.?Some use photos and some use graphic illustrations.?Some also use a visual representation called an infographic.?An infographic can be as simple as a chart or a diagram.?It can also be a handwritten flow chart to allow others to follow along and to give them a better understanding of where you are in your story.?It can also be a visual representation of information.?Graphics help those who are more visually minded learn, and it also helps others see and gain insight.?Are you using graphics??You may not be aware, but those around you are watching you create, and live your life. They are watching for the visuals representations that they can relate to and learn from.?As much as we are aware of this visual learner concept, some only remember what they see, and not what they read or hear.?It may depend on the filters that they are looking through.?As you think about your blank PAGE in the next chapter or phase of your life, remember that every day you tell a story by your actions and the responses that others see.?You are the best representation of you and your story.?Nobody can tell it but you.?It starts and ends with you.?Make sure your graphics allow others to see you for who you are, and not someone whose words tell a different story than the book cover.
Events in our life allow us all to share our story.?The best thing about a blank PAGE is that there is more of the story to be written. That means there are more events to come. Luckily, we get to map out and write down what some of those events are.?Some of the events in our life we do not have any control over. Hopefully, we can learn from them, and keep them from happening again.?If we do face them again, we need to approach them differently and try to learn again.?Some events in our story that we look forward to may be graduating from high school or college.?Other events in our lives may be taking a step towards achieving our dreams or goals.?Events can be scary, or they can be a refreshing experience.?We don’t always get to choose, but we can hopefully make them milestones in our story.?What events in your life made you who you are today??What events in your past prepared you for events in your future??What events can you share with others on your blank PAGE that will allow them to learn from your mistakes.?Don’t be afraid to share your successes and those events where you were not successful. Events are milestones in our journey to help us remember how far we have come.?
Things in life happen!?I have said before that life is often a 4-letter word.?Sure, we all face challenges at different times of our lives, however we all make mistakes too!?One of the best things about a blank PAGE is that it is just that, blank.?It allows you to be creative.?It also allows you to pause before you begin.?You can write in the margins, or if you don’t have any lines on your PAGE, you can free flow your pen (or pencil) to begin where you want to on the PAGE.?Develop your plot and line out your goals and the next chapter of your life.?Don’t forget that you are the author, not anyone else.?You may have influences that help shape who you are today, but you get credit for writing your story.?Graphics are the visuals that others see when they look at you and see your story.?The events in your life help you build character and strength to keep writing.?Just like the students face the next chapter, it only starts when you turn the PAGE.?Now it is your turn, turn the PAGE.
Stay safe and stay well!