Need for everyone's involvement in creating a better environment for our school going young people.
All school age going children and young adults have been out of school for close to 2 years due to the measures by government to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. Inevitably these young people have faced a number of challenges that already have or will?greatly impact their lives in the future.
According to Makerere University School of Public Health, the number of teenage pregnancies rose by 28% during the first lockdown. The Ministry of Education and Sports reported that pregnancies among school girls has risen by 30% since the outbreak of Covid-19.
During the December 1st parliamentary seating, Vice President Jessica Alupo remarked that since March 2020, statistics indicate an increase in?cases of “defilement” and teenage pregnancies. She quoted a recent study from the United Nations?Population Fund?that reports that a total of 354,736 teenage pregnancies were registered in 2020, while 295,219 teenage pregnancies were registered between January to early September 2021 implying that on average, over 32,000 teenage pregnancies were recorded per month.?Furthermore, it's estimated that, '30 percent of students are expected to not return behind school desks in January due to teen pregnancy, early marriage and child labor' report by Virginia Pietromarchi and Dear Jeanne Published On 7 Dec 2021,?
This is a very heart breaking situation but above all a policy issue. Seeing schools opening in a few days gives me great joy and I believe that it is?everyone's role to ensure that young people in our communities go back to school. The good news is that the Ministries of Health and Education?have acknowledged the need for our young girls that got pregnant during the pandemic to continue with their studies and even launched?the revised guidelines for the prevention and management of teenage pregnancy in school. It is a step in the right direction.
I?call upon each and everyone of us to support this policy in what whatever way we can.?It starts from us?being deliberate in performing our roles as stakeholders, from parents, community leaders, religious leaders, CSOs, government and every other citizen.
We should ensure that we look out for these young people and motivate them to go back to school including the teen mothers. Many are currently involved in businesses, activities and might think that it is not necessary to?go back to school. Please advise them.
To the?parents, don't compromise your child's education for anything. Rather, encourage and support them to achieve this milestone, even a long side their passions or "hustles".
As Reach A Hand Uganda we will continue to?reach out to these young people in the different communities and in schools. We will provide accurate information?on Sexual reproductive health and Rights to enable them live up their full potential by making informed choices in life.?
It goes without saying that together we can create a better environment for our young people and it starts with us.