The Need for a Deeper Ecology
by Studio Robert Rajabally

The Need for a Deeper Ecology

"Consider this: We live in a society largely made up of our blind beliefs in the dictates of a mainstream science we have little access to while our grasp on Reality is strongly colored by the lenses of a deep entranced and conditioned state that hides who we really are from ourselves, from cradle to grave."

Within the frightfully short time frame of our lifespans, most of us struggle to survive while some manage to give a measure of contribution to improve things. But what is it we are improving? Are we making breakthroughs in our knowledge of the workings and end-purpose of Life, Consciousness and Nature in their deepest sense for our mutual freedom and growth or are we mostly making improvements to our cages and helping our keepers tighten their grip on billions of human lives and countless life forms, with our indifference and empty merriment to further this scenario of multiple illusions indefinitely into the Future? Such behavior often opens the way to dis-ease and social upheavals as a means of correction.

An informed discernment is always the key to that question. It is the difference between a mindful and a mindless life.

However we may be working for trendy or large companies that advertise as being actively concerned and involved in 'ecological issues', the sad truth is that many such cases are devoid of any true connection with Nature and just stand to comply with current 'sustainability' interests.

Hopefully, it is no secret that we are living unique times of major changes in all sectors of human existence, times in which major forces compete for our attention and energy. But the outcome can only be one, even if we postpone it for many, many years of suffering with our "freewill" within that conditioned state.

This final outcome is the upgrading of Humanity into a new and better understanding of its rights and responsibilities towards itself, the entire animal kingdom and the Living Planet itself, not to mention our final link with advanced and peaceful extraterrestrial life which is yet another can of worms.

Such a manner of discernment doesn't come easy. It demands a lifetime commitment to continuous improvement and self-observation, but the rewards have what I have called "A Value of Permanence".

Late Buckminster Fuller was already aware of much of this and was on the right track. Whatever happened to his brilliant legacy? How much of it has been used to truly correct our ways? How can we begin to layout a proper path now in the 21st Century without such brilliant minds to help us in-the-flesh? Was that work in vain? These are questions!

Enter Deep Ecology notions, with its set of principles to guide our studies allied to Essential Science practices with greater integrity, we can be more empowered and confident in finding any Truth in our discoveries and applications, thus putting us all on the right path to reduce our enormous environmental debts and avoid superficial and economically-minded measures that do much harm while advertising to solve.

When I refer to Deep Ecology, I am not restricting its broad meaning to a set of fixed known concepts. Rather, it should be seen as an evolving and loving invitation to pursue scientific truth in all studies, as an ongoing personal and institutional commitment, especially when it goes much further than materialistic science allows, into the very realm of Causation where the real causes of the visible effects we so expertly weigh, dissect and measure, are.

These changing times demand higher ethical commitments from us all in all walks of life, there are no exceptions. Beyond matter is now what really matters.

Discernment involves knowing when a scientific 'breakthrough' is not really that but yet another venture into a wrong direction, one which is ultimately incompatible with Nature and violates its innermost principles.

Now consider some real breakthroughs as with Interspecies Communications (communication with all types of animals), non-locality principles unveiled by quantum physics that give a new meaning to Reality, the definitive role of Intention in everything we do, free and clean energy and the spectacular discoveries regarding the Consciousness of Water and its true role in our world and bodies, for an entire new perspective on Life and what we should be doing to correct the mess we're all in.

The list goes on. All of these don't have to be "new" in the usual insatiable sense of the word, but rather a rediscovery of arcane knowledge, so badly in need today to balance our one-sided so-called 'rational thinking'. True Nature is, and has always been, Direct Perception and not slow reasoning of the phenomena around us.

The times are high for us to begin to awaken, study and educate this natural direct perception and have science work through it, and not the other way around as it is now in mainstream science. Many are already doing just that and the results shine.

My professional work is also in this direction, as I am constantly developing new forms of Naturalist Illustration & Creative Writing that bring forth and uncover scientific breakthroughs where they are occurring and blend many types of digital and manual techniques to help inspire, research, practice and inform people on such subjects and true scientific methods, removed from any New Age connotation.

Studio Robert Rajabally de Ilustra??o & Design

This work can be seen in my dedicated website ( where you can check out this recent (2018) digital publication Natureza Profunda (Deep Nature - only in Brazilian Portuguese at this time) that addresses all pertinent issues for the Brazilian public, where this kind of information is mostly lacking.

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There you will also find other bilingual digital publications as they are put out, such as the Where I Live - My Life In a Single Day Series for kids.

All are concepts designed to convey new and better forms of Environmental Education for children and adults alike: a deeper form of perception and ecology that goes way beyond common notions on environmental pollution, waste, deforestation and often misused and less understood buzz words such as "sustainability" introducing the model of Intelligence in Nature.

I heartily encourage you to research such themes yourself to discover new and exciting horizons for your profession and being.


I have many online references you might want to check out for inspiration for many types of projects, such as this Portfolio on the B?hance professional network.

If you like what you've seen and read here, and are interested in the professional development of this type of work, do drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll be happy to exchange ideas on work concepts and projects which can be local or overseas.

I also provide Native and professional English-Brazilian Portuguese Translation services for the complete localization of your project.

Simply send in your .docx, .pdf or .pptx files for a quote.


-I hope this short introduction has been helpful to you. Thank you for your interest, please do leave your feedback here!

-I'll be seeing you around some time soon.


Some useful links and references to these advanced ideas:

The Intention Experiment

The work of Anna Breytenbach - Animal Communicator

The work of Masaru Emoto

The Reflexive Universe - by Arthur M. Young

The End of Materialism - by Dr. Charles T. Tart - PhD


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