The Need for Contractor's Pollution Liability
In recent years, concern for the environment has become a key topic for discussion on a global scale. Environmental accidents have been put in the spotlight and repeatedly scrutinized by the media, regulators and governments of all levels. As a result, some new fines and penalties have been introduced, made more severe, and Ministry of the Environment regulations are more and more strictly enforced. Contractors of all disciplines and sizes must be aware of the potential impact of environmental exposures on their businesses.?
1. Risk Mitigation:??
While contractors may assume that environmental accidents will be covered under their Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy, the reality is that all CGL policies contain pollution exclusions that leave contractors uninsured in the event of most pollution incidents. Some CGL policies provide limited coverage for Sudden & Accidental Pollution (i.e. not gradual /seepage occurrences), however, coverage is significantly restricted, and the pollution event must also be detected and reported within a short period of time, which is often not possible.??
2. Contractual Obligations:??
Increasingly, we are seeing contract specifications from project owners and lenders requiring contractors to obtain Pollution Liability insurance and failure to secure the insurance, where required, would constitute a breach of contract. The CCDC requirement states “Contractor’s Pollution liability insurance shall have limits of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property.”??
3. Impact on the Business:??
Regardless of the nature of the work, every construction project carries some environmental risks. A single pollution incident can seriously damage a contractor’s operations, balance sheet and reputation, all of which can have significant effects on a contractor in both the short and long-term.?
A Contractors Pollution Liability (CPL) policy provides insurance coverage for liability due to pollution conditions arising from operations performed by, or on behalf, of the contractor at a job site. Coverage includes third-party bodily injury, property damage, cleanup, and legal defence. Policies can also include coverage for mould arising from the contractor’s work, and other pollution conditions related to the transportation of hazardous materials to or from a job site or waste disposal location. Coverage may also extend to third party business interruption, reduced property value, damage to natural resources, and even some fines and penalties.??
A pollution policy is either purchased on a per-project basis, or on an annual basis. A project-specific policy will cover work performed only for that specific project, for the duration of the work and will continue in force for a specified time period following project completion (12 or 24 months). An annual policy is much like the contractor’s general liability policy; it is procured annually and covers all projects undertaken by the contractor during that year. From a pricing standpoint, an annual policy will cost more than a single project pollution policy, but is generally more cost effective than 2 or 3 project specific policies, and has the additional benefit of covering all the contractor’s projects. It is the recommended route.?
Particularly hazardous classes are those where contaminants are brought on to a job site by the contractor or their trades (Ie. civil contractors bring fuel, hydraulic fluids, chlorine, and other pollutants, plumbers bring glycol and other contaminant liquids, etc.), as well as contractors whose work may lead to water leaks or infiltration, resulting in subsequent mould growth (roofing, building envelope trades, plumbing, HVAC, and general contractors, for instance). Other examples include:??
The following sample claims are examples of the sorts of pollution events that a Contractors Pollution Liability Policy would cover which the general liability policy would not:??
Almost every construction project is exposed to some sort of pollution hazard (whether coverage is contractually required or not), and a well constructed Contractors Pollution Liability Policy can eliminate a significant gap in coverage where pollution risks are involved. Pollution Liability coverage should not be considered only for special situations, or when required by the contract, but rather as an essential part of the contractor’s sound insurance program and risk mitigation strategy.?
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