The Need Need For Community
Today I want to speak about the importance of community in regard to our mental health.
People are like ants and bees in that we need to be in community to feel healthy. We need that personal touch from those we love and our friends. With this touch we create oxitocyn which helps us to feel bonded and calms our nervous system. It helps us feel happy. When we are told that we are unable to hug others, we are no longer able to make oxitocyn.
Through this entire lockdown, I have been lucky to be among many peple - other students for whom hugging is a natural manner of showing love and connection from the cultures in which they came. In this case it was my cohort of fellow students from all around the world
Some may feel that people hugging others during this time was a 'dangerous' thing to do. However, I would say that the upside of carrying on with the manner in which we humans were developed to intereact would do much more to help our immune systems stay strong then the devastating effect to our immune system for taking this neccessary hormone away from our existence. It is just as necesaray as getting exercize and vitimin D from the sun - and yet we were all told to stay inside.
You see, there are many ways that we can assess what our probablity of becoming ill may be. Given that these kids were in a stage of life that they would not have a likelyhood of being ill, being young healthy individuals without the comorbid chornic illness of the elders whose immune response will be lessoned was one factor. The other factor is that theraputic touch is indeed one of the basic understandings of even the western medical system when taking care of locked in elders for their health and wellbeing. So, to be told that this is counter to health is ridiculous.
Community online is not real community. Yes, it is helpful to have video meetings and phone calls with those who you love and care about. Yet, still we found that social media has caused more negative impact on people because of the one upmanship, bullying and lack of eye-to-eye and soul-to-soul interaction that humans require to be healthy.
We know from the monkey experiments from decades ago that people need to be touched to be loved by their parents to develop safe attachment to be able to grow up to bond effectively with others. To state that it is healthier to not be with others, to isolate in our homes is the direct opposite of how our brains and our sense of self develop and stay healthy.
I still get some push back from those who don't realize that just because something is stated in the media as being true, that the media has very often led us to believe things that were later found to be untrue as is being found out with many of the scientific studies on masking to be of any help. They are not helpful and in fact caused many more problems for some people by not being able to breath, causing rashes on the face, breathing bacteria into one's body from the mask and taking in more CO2 than the body is to have causing dizziness in some. This doesn't even deal with the trauma that we put into our young kids who couldn't breathe well, weren't allowed to play with their friends or to be in school to learn. Add to that the idea that was put into their brains that they could harm or even kill their grandparents by being with them and we have a mental health catastrophy in the making for our youth.
If you want to do what is truly healthy for you, then it begins with critical thinking skills and looking at all the data that is out there to be found - not just taking the superficial and misleading comments of people in high places who have invested billions of dollars into making injectables that have yet to be proven safe, never mind fufilling any medical reason for having them.
I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have had roommates during this whole time with which to engage, many loving students that I would see out on the campus, and some professors who saw through the stupidity of what was being done. Professors who know how to read science which is a skill in itself - because of the way that academics can skew the numbers and falsify the results to make the conclusions align with what they want them to be - especially if a drug company is the financer of the study is something that is understood by those in academia.
Think about all the false teachings just where food is involved. Saturated fat is not unhealthy at all, yet for ages people were told this was true and to eat more carbohydrates. What happened next was a generation of obese people with all sorts of chronic illness developing because they were not getting the fat necessary to function - the brain, eyes, and coverings of every nervous cell in your body, including the neurons in your brain are covered by the insulator of fat. We were told that the yolks of eggs were unhealthy because of the cholesterol in them and then years later we find that dietary cholesterol has no impact on the cholesterol in our body, and by the way the nutritious part of the egg is that of the yolk. We were told that milk was good for you, yet no other animal drinks milk after weaning and certainly not from another species. Milk has not been found to be of any nutritional value, though it is full of lactose which is a sugar and sugar is inflammatory to the body, and casien which is also inflammatory for those who cannot digest it. So, can you really believe what your government tells you when it has mislead you on something as important as the food that you eat, understanding that your food becomes you?
We need to think much more deeply, do our research to better understand the bigger picture around many of the policies that are put in place. Because if you do you will find so many areas of disease creating policies that you will understand that the media and the government are the last places to be looking for guidance on your health and wellbeing.
Your internal signals tell you what is healthy or not for you, so listen to them first and foremost as your evolution has given you the means to best understand what works for you. An example form my own life was the 3 months I was on a macrobiotic diet with only white fish allowed and lots of root veggies and not much else. I can tell you that my body was weakened with little energy from such a diet. I need meat for the B12, heme protein to bring iron to my cells for their oxygenation, and many other nutrients that are found in meat and are not found in plants. For others, their systems may require less meat or maybe they feel better without meat - we are all created differently - but the fact remains that listening to the body, seeing how one feels is a very good way to know what is correct for ourselves - for our health and wellbeing.
Learning: Don't believe what you hear in the media or the propaganda that your government puts out there. Listen to your own body and mind to tell you what is best for you. Find the resources to help you better understand the larger picture of what is going on at any time because this is the only way that you will fully understand the greater context of current affairs and what you need to do to take the best care of yourself.
If you are a person who has been feeling depleted by those things that have been going on in your life DM me and we can have a Choas to Clarity Conversation to see how we can best help you to feel much better.