Need Coffee Now
Saurabh Sachdev
Global HR Business Learning Partner | Technical Skills Development | Employee Engagement & Experience | Talent Management | HR Automation in Learning | Ex HCL, Ex Colt, Ex UKG (Kronos)
Are you the one who is facilitating the session / workshop or training.
You are fired up for this training session!
You know the content, pick out your best trainer outfit (comfy, yet professional), grab your supplies, arrive early, set up the room and are ready to greet your participants.
The first learner arrives and you put on your best face to greet them.
Before you can say anything, he utters, "Where is the coffee?" and proceeds to tell you again, how much he needs coffee and that he can't function in the morning without a cup of coffee.
That's all he's got?
Doesn't he know that you have been working on this session for months?
Isn't he as excited as YOU that this day has finally come?
AND, oh, by the way, you're really tired, too, because you didn't sleep well last night (note: trainers typically do not to sleep well the night before a training).
What is VILT?
Virtual instructor-led training (VILT) refers to training that is delivered in a virtual or simulated environment, or when instructor and learner are in separate locations. Virtual instruction environments are designed to simulate the traditional classroom or learning experience
What method is better ILT or VILT?
When comparing Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT), asking which one is the best is often the wrong question. To decide between the two (or to blend the two methods), you must first decide what your goals of the training are. Setting an effective learning climate will help learners tune in and ensure they are comfortable and engaged!
How can you do this?
Here are some things you can do before, during and after the learning session for maximum learner comfort and engagement:
Before the session...
Send the learners a reminder of the session. This should include a WIIFM (What’s in it for me) or benefit statement of the training along with a snapshot of the content, a bit about yourself and any session logistics.
Pack up your things the night before. Ensure you have all electronic equipment with you and that it’s working. If it’s a VILT (Virtual Instructor Led Training) class, visit your platform, load the PowerPoint and go through the features one more time if needed.
Day of session (before learners arrive)...
Arrive 60 – 90 minutes prior to start time. This applies to VILT also. Sometimes it’s not as easy to enter the platform as you thought – the technical gods don’t always work in our favor.
Check to see the room set up is as you planned and that all AV support is there. For VILT, ensure the PowerPoint is still there and that you have a welcome slide up or introductory loop operating.
Make sure all of your notes are in order and you know what the first few words out of your mouth will be when you start!
As learners arrive...
1. Step AWAY from the front of the room and greet each of the participants as they enter the room. This is particularly important in a VILT environment where people tend to slink in and then get offended if you didn’t notice.
2. Inform participants of comfort things – snacks, beverages (coffee!) and restrooms. In a VILT room, remind participants of the start time and encourage them to get their physical environment set up for no interruptions and to get a beverage before the session starts.
3. Invite participants to chat with one another. Introduce them to each other as they arrive. In a VILT session, encourage folks to use their mics or the chat feature.
4. If you do need to break away before class starts in a physical classroom, make sure you announce it so participants don’t think you just left and tell them you will be back in a few moments. In a VILT, do the same and make sure you change the status, if possible, on the platform to “away.”
Remember, you only get one time to make a good first impression. Being totally ready to plug into your learners once they arrive earns you tons of points by making them feel comfortable with you and setting the optimal learning climate!
5 benefits of choosing VILT for corporate learning:
1. Train anyone, anywhere with a human element: A video-based training can be circulated from anywhere and employees can attend from their desks or homes. This can save an organization a huge amount of money that is otherwise spent on traveling, lodging and arranging for appropriate training classrooms. Also, VILT offers a human element and thus employees feel personally mentored.
2. Interactivity A video-based training allows learners to ask questions, express views, participate in discussions, and get trained together irrespective of their location. The learners can also download various study aids in various formats such as PDFs, Word docs, online links, videos, whitepapers, and powerpoint presentations. It is also possible to make notes online, share them with other participants and raise concern if there’s any doubt
3. Track able learner performance Using VILT, you can track user’s performance by using built in analytics within tools, direct questions, engagement techniques, or a combination of all three. You then can display the results instantly or at the end of the course. Real-time assessments are also possible by conducting role plays, asking questions, and conducting polls. Using VILT, it is easier to track learner’s performance and provide instant feedback.
4. Easy customization Often organizations want to communicate information necessary for a job in a very short span to their employees. Visual communication is the fastest and most appropriate way to get all information connected using a single tool and broadcast that information to employees quickly. If there is a rapid change in the industry, market trends, sales skills, or product offerings, you can immediately use VILT’s to train employees, share information, and address any issues.
5. Easy to Use Tools There are a number of tools you can use to create engaging VILT programs, such as CamStudio, Camtasia Studio, Web-Ex, Blue-Jeans, and Adobe Connect. With the help of these tools, you can create engaging instructor-led training programs that are easy to customize and deliver. In addition, you can measure the training effectiveness and use all the engaging features in a VILT at almost fraction of the cost.
Video-based training programs offer you an opportunity to establish clear communication not only between trainers and learners, but also among learners. This means if implemented effectively, a VILT session can not only help learners achieve learning goals, but also bring them closer together and form effective teams.
Drawbacks of VILT
VILT is not exempt from drawbacks. One of them is the inability of the instructor to address the concerns of every user personally. Though the session can be live, the instructor cannot move around the room and address the doubts of individual participants.
Another drawback is since the training is online; the trainer has no option of gauging whether the learners are engaged. He cannot assess if the learners are paying attention or engaged in the session, this becomes pertinent especially when learners might face numerous distractions at their desk or computer. The facilitator has to find ways to keep the learners engaged.
The timing of the VILT sessions may be inconvenient to some learners who might be in time zones that require them to log in at late or early hours of the day.
Despite these drawbacks, VILT can be an exciting alternative to an ILT session. They work well when you immediately want to train a large group of people at short notice or want to save the cost of organizing an offsite training session. Some situations may require an ILT solution for training your employees. But if you think using your instructors to hold a VILT session while providing them with required facilities may work effectively, why not choose the option?
Some top Institutes and service providers have made the access free for all, refer to below links to find out the best course for yourself and your team.
Harvard University: Free Online Courses
Pluralsight: Free Online Courses
#virtualtrainings #VILT #Remotetrainings
Global HR Business Learning Partner | Technical Skills Development | Employee Engagement & Experience | Talent Management | HR Automation in Learning | Ex HCL, Ex Colt, Ex UKG (Kronos)
4 年How can we prepare our employees to support ever changing organizational need in an increasingly VUCA world? This has been major focus of much of the leadership and skill development work and research over the last decade. But little did we know how much of that would be put to the test in 2020 alone.