“Mass'Querade: The Theory of Everything” Negates the Need for a New Collider.
FROM: FORBES MAGAZINE: Jul 5, 2012,05:12pm EDT “The Large Hadron Collider took about a decade to construct, for a total cost of about $4.75 billion. There are several different experiments going on at the LHC, including the CMS and ATLAS Detectors which [may have] discovered [something consistent with] the Higgs boson.
Yesterday, [4July2012] the European Organization for Nuclear Research, commonly known as CERN, announced that its Large Hadron Collider had discovered a particle that's consistent with that of the Higgs boson. This is an important discovery because it verifies the [unfinished] Standard Model of Particle Physics, which predicted the existence of the [proposed] Higgs Boson. Although there are a lot of different subatomic particles, the Higgs boson is of particular importance because it's what, according to the [current] Standard Model, gives everything in the universe its mass.”*
*In 'The Standard Model of Sub-Atomic Particles', little is offered about the exact composition of each particle beyond their Relative Charges, Magnetic properties, and Masses which are stated in general terms with no explanation of their origin. But, each of these is precisely explained by E=hF in “Mass'querade: The Theory of Everything” in absolute terms, each related to the precise Planck Constant (h) of the Photon. Mass'querade is the Occam's Razor of particle physics.
So, to this Forbes information we can add the costs including the construction costs of the hardware to produce High Energy Collisions. Consider a reasonable guess to say another $5-$10 Billion has been spent producing, analyzing, and reducing the information into Text Books, Library Books, and Millions of Articles and the Tuition associated with learning everything that has been produced by the direct and peripheral adjuncts to the study of High Energy Collisions. These costs were all paid with the hope of learning the exact nature of 'Mass', and yet, there has not been even one absolutely NEW or final conclusion regarding the status of the Standard Model. Perhaps the biggest cost of the effort is lost time without learning and no directive to understand the composition of Mass.
Worrisome. A NEW Collider and Ten more Years and we will have NO NEW information about the ACTUAL COMPOSITION of Even One of the sub-atomic particles OR the PHOTON! No NEW way HAS BEEN OFFERED to finalize the Standard Model. Belief in a Higgs Boson has done nothing to finalize the Standard Model but only provides more smashing at higher energies.
Consider this! There is a NEW theory based on the long accumulated knowledge of Physics in which the results of hundreds of years of research by tens of thousands of experimenters, researchers, and theorists have been used to produce and reduce the existing experimental results of Physics, Chemistry and High Energy Physics. “Mass'querade: The Theory of Everything” is the ONLY theory that opens the door by explaining the absolute composition AND characteristics of ALL the sub-atomic particles including the composition of the Photons employed in the composition of all the particles. Finally, a Theory of Everything that actually leaves nothing unexplained.
The CERN COLLIDER has been an astronomically expensive endeavor involving tens of thousands of very high paid individuals related to High Energy Physics. WORTH EVERY PENNY. BUT... Now there is an intent to expand upon the experimentation with yet another, bigger, HIGHER ENERGY COLLIDER. This new collider is NOT going to resolve the basic sub-atomic particle compositions or the composition of the Electro-Magnetic Photon. It's the wrong way to go! Why should we wait ten more years for something that will NOT reveal how the sub-atomic particles are composed... NOR how to create Anti-GRAVITY? Back in the '60s' there was a new level of dismay about the growing number of NON-PERMANENT, Sub-sub-atomic particles which continued to baffle science because they didn't understand the composition of any of them. NEEDED was Mass'querade! When it is understood in its entirety, Mass'querade will not only explain the current group of particles but will explain the workings of the Photon in every one of them. Mass'querade is indeed, the theory of EVERYTHING. Remember Occam's Razor: Many Facts, Simplest Solutions. Ex: A Pion is simply 2 Quarks, 6 Photons.
Mass'Querade, The Theory of Everything” says, emphatically, NO! Why? Because Mass'querade explains, by simply re-examining all the data of the last few hundred years, that “There is no Higgs Boson” to be found. A Boson is NOT how particles become 'massive'! Finding a hint of 'something consistent' with the Higgs Boson' is iffy at best and misleading at worst.
IT'S TIME TO REDIRECT OUR THINKING AND OUR RESOURCES of Physics, Engineering, and our Finances toward a final understanding of the Composition of Mass, the Photon, the Quark, and all the other effects related to the action of Photons. This is how we will finally produce the Anti-Gravity required to build our own flying machines and commuters. All the nightmares created by burning fossil fuels will finally become a distant fading memory. We will be able to vent extra planetary heat to outer space or move it where its needed. We will be able to suck the life out of Hurricanes and Tornadoes. We will be able to control the level of the seas. Let's get Physics and Engineering back on the right track! Durable and perishable goods will be moved instantly and effortlessly. A NEW World full of freedom and unlimited Energy!
Dr. Einstein mused, “REALITY IS MERELY AN ILLUSION...”. ::translate:: “THERE IS NO MASS”. Mass'querade tells us that MASS-LESS PHOTONS are masquerading as Mass. Einstein's equation defined 'Mass' as being EQUAL TO PURE ENERGY, PROVEN IN MASS'QUERADE TO BE PURE KINETIC ENERGY. Repeat: THERE IS NO MASS. There are only 'bundles' of pure kinetic energy in the form of ALWAYS IN MOTION, PHOTONS. within every sub-atomic particle. Mass'querade ALSO explains the CHARGE SOURCE of all sub-atomic particles, the reaction to magnetism and GRAVITY and the 'apparent Mass' are all characteristics of the Photon .
IS it necessary to continue to keep looking for something that does not exists?
NO! Let Science spend the money to STUDY Mass'querade and produce the math to quantify the necessary Photonic orbital and electro-magnetic properties and SEE that, indeed, the PHOTON can be used to EXPLAIN all the “MASSIVE”, sub-atomic “PARTICLES”. Let the money, likely far less than a Billion Dollars, be spent to investigate, quantify and prove that Photons are responsible for all the effects we know of in the entire Universe. Gravity, Blackholes, Mass, Matter, Dark Matter, Entanglement, Gravitational Waves, all using a SPECIFIC few Extremely High Energy Photons.
“Mass'querade: The Theory of Everything”, when fully developed from a mathematical standpoint will allow 'Science' to explain the composition of all Sub-atomic particles as being bundles of PURE PHOTONIC ENERGY locked in peculiarly twisted orbits around a “Massless Black Hole” within every particle; no Boson required! The 'Spooky effect' will be seen as a simple coupled interaction.
Mass'querade will open the door to ANTI-GRAVITY. It will bring a final understanding of the composition of everything to science. More, or bigger colliders will not do this! When Gravity is finally understood to be a product of Photons in motion, Anti-Gravity will be just as understandable which will lead to a method to generate it. This is the Holy Grail that colliders will never find! Colliders will also never find a simple explanation for the composition of all Mass and Matter. A bigger collider is, in no way, the Occam's Razor.
Colliders do not lead to explanations that are not being sought! There has been little or no effort to complete the Standard Model in the last forty years and the 'computer program' called Quantum Physics is a great misdirection that has left The Standard Model in shambles, still offering NO information regarding the composition of the sub-atomic particles or any of the universal properties of mass and matter beyond their superficially measurable characteristics. It's time to wrap it up, spend our money wisely and get a NEW VISION of what is needed. Let the purse strings be opened for the right projects from this point forward. Quantum Physics should finally be about the Quantum Elements that explain the entire Universe. It should be about The PHOTONS, Nearly-Eternal Kinetic Energy.
Before Mass'querade, there was no viable “Theory of Everything! NOW THERE IS. There is no need for more colliders. Higher energy collisions will MASK the exact release of Photons that are the ONLY elements involved in the creation and composition of “MATTER”. Adding MORE ENERGY only obscures the true nature of Mass and Matter! It's time to take a new approach to completing the Standard Model. Mass'querade is the answer, not more colliders, certainly not higher energies. It's time to lay down our hammers, get our wits about us and return to our imaginations again.
The amazingly simple Tenets of Mass'querade, will allow ANY physicist to examine and understand this new Theory of Everything. I, Clifford G. Arnell, have produced a 48 minute, UHD Movie to lay out the basic Tenets of what Mass'querade can do for the sciences of physics, engineering, electronics, and industrial engineering, as well as the entire world of astrophysics while erasing the mysteries purported by quantum physics. Mass'querade explains 'everything'. Your reward for reading this far will be found at *Thank you*
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Does the world of physics need another collider? NO. The answers to all the questions that are expected to find new light are all found in MASS'QUERADE, THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING! Problem solved! No NEW Collider needed! No need to seek a solution to eliminate the tailings from the Tunneling done to create a new collider! A NEW Collider is NOT needed to produce Anti-Gravity or a final understanding of Mass'Querade: The Theory of Everything”!
Copyright Clifford G. Arnell May 2021, All Rights Reserved.Reproduction, Downloading, Printing, Copying requires permission.