Need a Bright Idea? Focus on your DB2 Maintenance to Drive Better Performance

Need a Bright Idea? Focus on your DB2 Maintenance to Drive Better Performance

The start of a new year is always a great opportunity to reflect, plan, and look for fresh ideas to set your course and carry you through the remaining 11 months. We're kicking off the year here at BMC with a focus on Performance and how we can help our customers get the most out of their DB2 systems and applications.

Too often routine database maintenance is looked at as just that - routine. Not glamorous, not new, not exciting. But what if we flip that on its head? What if it is really maintenance that sustains us and without it we'd suffer a slow (performance) degradation? What if it's just that routine 6:00 AM workout you hit 3 to 4 times a week that allows your synapses to fire, sets you up for success during your days, and boosts your immune system to withstand all the bugs thrown its way? Without it, you'd surely slow down and there would be obvious consequences. So it goes, according to my analogy, with databases.

Let's take a few moments at the outset of this brand new year to think about routine and maintenance a new way. Not with the mindlessness we give to typical tasks, but embracing maintenance as a means to better performance and better business outcomes. For a more detailed look at how you might do this, please read Phil Grainger's latest blog Reorging DB2 - Mundane Housekeeping or a High Performance Move? Be honest, you're looking for any excuse to skip those workouts anyway, right? (JK, don't do that!)


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