Need for a better food system

Need for a better food system

The need for a better food system - but where can we buy it?

Our modern-day food system is failing us. Our health, the welfare of farm animals and the future of our planet are all suffering under a system that put the profits of big food business first.

With nearly 60% of our calories coming from ultra-processed food, and hundreds of studies pointing the finger at the devastating effect this is having on our health, we need to return to real food. Meat and dairy, when produced traditionally, are not the guilty parties when considering human health.

We need real food, farmed well.

Our health and that of our planet depend on it.

Often, people ask, what label should I look for in the supermarket? What questions do I ask my butcher? I want to buy well, but it isn't very clear.

No, it isn't.

And I don't think there is a label covering soil health, local, farmed nature's way, low chemical input, processed and packaged well, etc. Be reassured, many of our farmers and food producers are pioneering a better way. A method that works with nature, supporting the local economy and providing good quality produce.

So let me spotlight @produceandprovide as one of the growing numbers of resources to find this type of produce (and sell it if you are a producer). This website is a resource that connects the producers with the consumers in your area.

I had the opportunity to catch up with the founder, Neil Darwent, last week. It was great to connect the dots from soil health to human and planetary health, to find a kindred who understands the true value of food.

And I was delighted to hear of this initiative that aims

to connect farmers who produce great tasting food with food lovers and families who want to get back to eating real food.

Take a look at their website and see what is in your area. or follow them on social media Produce & Provide

#realfood, #sustainablefarming, #traditionalfarming, #regenerativefarming, #farming, #foodsystem


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