Need a beautiful heart to accept faults

Need a beautiful heart to accept faults

Who says you can’t admit a fault. When you make a mistake you are responsible for your own actions. Unless someone point a gun or a knife at your heart to do something, then I would say you can argue about it. Look you don’t have to be super emotional about it. As a man, you just have to admit and move on. A quick simple, “I am sorry” that’s it. You don’t need to keep repeating it. People will think you are annoying. I used to admit mistakes all the time, even when it’s not directing my fault, but I participated, guess what people started treating me like dirt, why because I am projected as weak.

People eventually will point fingers at me knowing that will work out because I will apologize, guess what they started treating me like shit. I got into trouble knowing that it isn’t even my fault. Even worst I got suspended from school 4 days because I “falsely” accused of sexually assaulted a girl at locker room. Turns out, it was another Filipino guy who raped this cheerleader. The school had to call back and apologize what they done, but worse I still got lunch detention because I admit a mistake that wasn’t my fault. Meaning I lied. So what did I gain from all that ? Nothing. Not only I had to face consequence, but worse, I admit a mistake that I didn’t do. How stupid is that ?

Therefore, listen, don’t be this super nice guy knowing that you will cover for everyone’s fault. I understand that you were involve in the incident. Or should I say you were the witness of the incident. But witness doesn’t mean involve. I witness two people got into a fight and one pulled a gun. Not I was involve in a fight with two people. Involved means you participated in the act, witness means you saw with your eyes, but you didn’t commit the act. Learn to think before speak. You don’t have to be an asshole, but you don’t have to be a super nice guy who admits all mistakes. Tell them what you did and what you know that’s it.

Some people believe if they admit fault then they will be seen as weak. In actuality, admitting fault takes character and strength. There is a personality disorder called narcissism in which the individual is unable to see any fault in their behavior. They tend to blame others for their relationship issues because they are unable to take accountability for their actions. They tend to end up very lonely individuals. Another reason may be if a person admits fault then they have to do something about it and maybe they don't want to take the energy to change. I hope some of these explanations are helpful.

The best lesson is to own your stuff, I know I have faults, I am stuck working indoors, I wish I was out and about, I could bitch & moan, but waste of energy. I accept that I am in gods creation, I have not seen one person who does not have flaws, own it learn to be humble and especially learn to love yourself, the person you represent to the outside world. I am at ease today, it took looking at reality over perception. That’s my lesson for today thanks if you can take anything from it. Words are just words you have to put the words to action!!

We human have big ego but sometimes you should think if you accept your fault and say sorry you feel relaxed and it's not that you loose anything in the eyes o people no, you will be appreciated by many yes in that we might have people who don't understand the value of forgiving so they might not but that should not stop your from accepting your own fault, you do the good work and move on the right path this will make you big one or the other day. So keep a smile and accept you will feel relaxed and peaceful also.

In the material world nobody is free from the four material defects, namely, the tendency to commit mistakes, to be in illusion, to cheat others and to possess imperfect senses. That is why nobody wants to admit their faults. Srila Prabhupada (Founder Acharya of Iskcon) who performed his devotional activities in a mood of full surrender to Lord Krishna, was guided by the personal hand of the Lord and was consequently mistake-free. The only “faults” you need to pay attention to are those that your inner being, through your emotions, is leading you to.

If someone, or something is causing you to feel negative emotion, then that is your cue to make changes or adjustments. The emotional feedback is what you need to examine and understand how/why the situation is causing you to feel bad. The “fault” is very likely associated with a coping mechanism you adopted along your journey. It may not be working for you anymore, and so something within is urging you to make changes and come up higher so you can feel better. Listen to and stay connected to that inner voice, it seeks your wellbeing and it will tell you what you need to know when you are ready for it. Cheers!

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

2 年

Wow Kishoreji, aaj kuch alag hi modd hai

Natasha Patel

Housekeeper on PICU ward

2 年

Well said



