The rise of technological advanced weapons and the usage of unmanned systems and another series of Niche technologies developed and being used in ongoing Russian and Ukrainian war , War in Gaza and Lebanon , States that the importance of having a planned and detail active and reserve military equipment's along with technological development and capabilities during any course of war , conflict and even skirmishes ! The war in Ukraine and Gaza reminded to the defense planners , Ministry of defense members , Indian defense enthusiasts and finally armed forces higher command that War of Long and Short are always been possibility but This war raging from Days to years are always been choice of nations based on Morale , Human resources , Objectives , nature of escalations , Industrial capabilities and limitations and finally the benefit of the conflict and global escalation where war always being sadness and sorrow ! But one has to prepare for it !
Indian defense establishments , Startups , Private players and Indian armed forces in house defense technologies have been fruitful for now in some sectors in Indian defense ecosystem and the policies which are modified and subsequently changed during 2020-22 will be effective in giving from the fallowing years that is around a decade or more . The Motivation of our prime minister and decisions made by the ministry of defense and Armed forces top brass about long term sustaining in the war and ability to produce them even in difficult times in that period ! But the complexity of weapons and technology going under trails , testing and approval process ! Some of the weapons and equipment's have nearly 35- 40 percent of being outdated or irrelevant in any situation because of various reasons although Technology development and usage lasts for year and ultimately at the end of the day it depends on ones industrial , regular usage and operating such equipment's ! As we know that a "knife can be mightier than sword", As an idiom which in turns states the importance of having flexibility , Training and right usage at right time ! It is important to stick with planning , development and research of technologies and Niche military equipment's such that The research and allocation of funds for equipment's can be available and be divided for short and long term benefits!
The idea is to have an entity under ministry of defense which will be part of current organizational chart of ministry of defense ! But this entity will no longer bureaucrats or under political power ! But the decisions and final blue prints and product development outlines will be sent to chief of defense staff or Vice chief of defense staff and it will be divided into short term and long term developments , Where the long term and strategic developments will be undergo as usual current approach and rest will be given and immediately procured under emergency allotment of equipment's or financial year capital outlays ! This entity will keep updating the weapons and equipment's where data is being centered and designed by joint Indian defense industries and Armed forces requirements ! Such that by the time it enters massive production and induction into the forces , There will be no case of weapons being outdated and procured after extensive trails or cost!
The feature of this entity is that it will allow delegates and members representing the Startups , Private players , DPSU'S , Msme's and armed forces technical and General qualitative staff requirements team along with in house r and d establishments !These ,members and delegates will be present and are regularly collaborate for joint research and exploration of these technology outlines and process and gets development node from the head of the entity ! This will allow students , Experts , Scientists , personals , entrepreneurs , Business individuals to take part in the immersive and joint collaboration for providing their talents and resources for development and planning of the technology by mitigating the bureaucrats and political flux ! This ultimate reduce over cost run , saving timeline , Developing right required and future availability of such technology , Reducing the chances of being outdated , More cohesive collaboration and jointness in forces ! Thus reducing the development and gathering requirements on both short and long term! Rest information and idea will be shared in coming article timeline !