NEDonBoard LinkedIn Newsletter Snapshot, 19 September
Jean-Philippe Perraud
CEO @NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members | The Home of Board Members: non-executive directors, chairpersons and their board of directors | Awarded Organisation of the Year | Strategy, Modern Governance & Board Advisor
Dear NEDonBoard LinkedIn community,
Unlock your leadership potential by stepping up to the chair role
Are you ready to step into the prestigious role of a board chair and lead with confidence and competence? Are you a recently appointed board chair looking to transition seamlessly into your new role? If so, Read blog here
How to you expend your board level connections?
NEDonBoard proposes regular local meet ups for you to meet with a community of influential non-executive directors. We met with our London community last week and are very pleased to read lovely comments from attendees. Join our next meeting in Edinburgh, Manchester and Bristol. Find out more here
Find your next board appointment
Currently, we have 147 roles available on our platform, many of them exclusive, ranging from #nonexecutivedirector positions to #chairs and #boardadvisors.
To find out about board roles on offer as well as receive relevant boardroom information, visit
To your contribution to drive sustainability and prosperity,
Jean-Philippe Perraud
NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members