Neat to Know: October 31, 2024
City of Medicine Hat
Consider a career move to Medicine Hat - where bright ideas shine.
Please enjoy this week's edition of Neat to Know,?a roundup of City news, updates, and other important information.?You can expect to see the week's most interesting content and even some that may have not been delivered through our regular channels.?
City seekin’ seacan suggestions?
We’re looking for feedback from residents and community groups. Help us determine the community need and possibilities for future use of the eight seacans located downtown, if their removal is approved by City Council.
At the October 15 Public Services Committee meeting, City administration recommended that the seacans be removed from their current location downtown where they have served as market pods. The matter has been referred to the November 18 City Council meeting for consideration and debate.
Residents and community groups are asked to share, comment, and vote on ideas they agree are of high community benefit by November 10 at 5 p.m.
To share, vote, and for more information, visit Shape Your City
Temporary lane closures at downtown Transit Parkade??
On Monday, November 4, the entry lane to the upper levels of the Transit Parkade off of 6th Avenue SE will be closed for renovations. The exit lane will be closed Tuesday, November 5. On both days, traffic will be directed up and down the opposite ramps during the day.
For your safety and ours, please obey construction signage and personnel on site and use caution when turning into the parkade.
Division Ave/Complete Street FAQs?
We’ve received plenty of inquiries from residents wondering about the construction project on Division Avenue S and what to expect from these Complete Street principles.
We want to ensure you stay informed on the logistics and benefits of this project!
Is the road narrower than before? What does this design mean for snow removal?
Read the answers to these and other frequently asked questions on our website.
Halloween safety tips
Medicine Hat Fire and Emergency Services wants to ensure you have a fun and fire-safe Halloween ??. Keep these five tips in mind as you enjoy the spooky holiday:?
?? Use glow sticks or battery-operated candles to light up your decorations.?
?? Keep decorations clear of open flames, heaters, and other heat sources.?
?? Remind trick-or-treaters to look both ways before crossing the street.?
?? Add flashlights or glow sticks to costumes to ensure you stay visible to drivers.?
?? Always check your children’s candy before they eat it.?
Have a safe and happy Halloween!?
Pumpkin composting
Did you know???
Once today’s Halloween festivities have come and gone, your pumpkins can go in your green organics carts for composting! Please note, they must be unpainted pumpkins with candles and glow sticks removed.??
Thank you for continuing to be good environmental stewards in our community and enjoy the rest of your Halloween!??
Click the link below for more information about organic waste.
Don’t forget to change your clocks and check your batteries!
Set your clocks back on November 3, daylight savings time is here! It’s also a good time to check the batteries in your smoke alarm. If your device hasn't been replaced in 10 years, it's time for a new one! It's one of the simplest steps to keep your family and home safe.?
This Monday! Dufflebag Theatre: Robin Hood??
6 p.m. Monday, November 4 at the Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre?
This family-friendly performance by the “nearly world-famous� DuffleBag Theatre from Toronto tells the tale of Robin Hood saving England from the oppressive rule of Prince John with the help of a few friends along the way, including Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, and Little John. This is a lively, fun performance with a little audience participation along the way. Tickets are only $10.?
Public Reception for Life Cycles Exhibition: Hat Art Club and Medicine Hat Potters Association
7 to 9 p.m. Friday, November 8 at the Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre Remarks from local artists and curator at 7:30 p.m.
Enjoy a fun night out celebrating local artists from the Hat Art Club and Medicine Hat Potters Association! Join us for live music by Jessikah Babe, complimentary hors-d’oeuvres, and the fabulous art featured in the Life Cycles exhibition. Cash/debit bar available.
Traffic count me in
Check out the interactive map of traffic volume counts on our website! This map provides a general representation of traffic volumes at key stretches of our road network around Medicine Hat. Click on a section of roadway to view the approximate traffic volume and road class.?
These volumes are estimated based on evening peak hour data collected at major intersections. The numbers may be affected by construction, detours and other factors at the time of data collection.?
Click below to view the map and more information on our Traffic Counts Program.
Round two in the series of budget presentations is complete
On Wednesday, October 30, Council joined together for another Committee of the Whole meeting dedicated to the 2025-2026 budget, this time to hear about the Energy Production budget which includes electricity generation and gas production.
We are facing challenging times in our energy business with a depressed market forecast well into the future. The budget presented yesterday still shows profit overall, but nothing like we have seen in the recent past.
You can watch the meeting recording and peruse the slide deck that was presented yesterday on our Shape Your City Page.
Next up: Municipal Budget on November 5
The Municipal unit is in the portion of Medicine Hat’s budget that accounts for the “quality of life†for its residents by providing governance, safety, roads, amenities, and facilities that residents rely upon for their daily lives. The primary funding source for the municipal budget is property taxes.?
We encourage all Hatters to tune in to really understand the considerations that go into funding the services you expect while aspiring to keep taxes as stable and predictable as possible.?