Nearly $1 million awarded to Wisconsin homes to improve water treatment systems
Nearly $1 million has been awarded to Wisconsin homeowners and businesses to improve their water treatment systems.The Department of Safety and Professional Services awarded $949,051 to over 200 recipients via the Wisconsin Fund, according to a release Wednesday. DSPS says about 700,000 homes across Wisconsin use onsite wastewater treatment systems, because an equivalent managed by government is not available. Currently 67 of the state’s 72 counties participate in the Wisconsin Fund, which is slated to end in 2020.
The Wisconsin Fund is a program that provides grants to homeowners and small commercial businesses to help offset a portion of the cost for the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing failing Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS). Eligibility is based upon several criteria, including household income and age of the structure. 67 counties out of Wisconsin's 72 counties, the City of Franklin, and the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin participate in the program. County government officials assist interested individuals in determining eligibility and in preparation of grant applications.