Neal Boscomb...
Arroe Collins
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Neal Bascomb is well recognized as a master or turning complicated history into page turning narrative nonfiction. A national award-winning and New York Times bestselling author, he loves writing inspiring stories of adventure or achievement. In THE GRAND ESCAPE, Bascomb turns his focus on a group of Allied POWs who staged an escape for the ages during World War I.
At the height of World War I, as battles raged in the trenches and in the air, another struggle for survival was being waged in the most notorious POW camp in all of Germany: Holzminden. A land-locked Alcatraz of sorts, it was home to the most troublesome Allied prisoners—and the most talented at escape. THE GRAND ESCAPE tells the remarkable tale of a band of pilots who pulled off an ingenious plan and made it out of enemy territory in the biggest breakout of WWI, inspiring their countrymen in the darkest hours of the war.