NE VMUG - Registration is OPEN !!!
The Next North East VMUG (NEVMUG) event will be held on Thursday 22nd June In Newcastle @ “The Royal Station Hotel”.
This session is to be spectacular ...........
We have lined up some excellent Sponsors and Community sessions from around the UK to provide our attendees the best content for this event.
This includes "Real Life" sessions on .......
A session on "A VMware Admins Guide to vRealize Orchestrator" – An introduction to VMware vRealize Orchestrator covering various demo’s including how to use vRealize Orchestrator to increase your productivity without needing to use VMware vRealize Automation. by Christopher Lewis (Lead Consultant Xtravirt) @thecloudxpert
A session on "AWS for VMware Admins" by Chris Porter (IT Architect) @uprightvinyl
A session on "A bridge over the river Layer 3" – A service provider view on why multi-tenancy is hard and how you can build scalable datacentre networks for next generation platforms. by Myles Gray (Cloud Technologist Novosco) @mylesagray
A session on "Real World Nutanix – Real Life Experience of running Nutanix in production" by James Kilby (Senior Engineer Zen Internet) @jameskilbynet