Ne morem prodati nepremi?nine, kje se je zataknilo?

Ne morem prodati nepremi?nine, kje se je zataknilo?

Iz izku?enj vam predstavljamo ?est mo?nih napak, zakaj ne morete prodati nepremi?nine.

1. Prvi vtis

Prvi vtis je kot prvi zmenek. ?e na prvem zmenku ne gre tako, kot smo pri?akovali, potem po vsej verjetnosti drugega zmenka ne bo. Stranke torej ne bodo pri?le na drugi ogled. Prvi vtis, prva izku?nja, prvi zmenek z nepremi?nino mora biti najlep?i! Ne kuhajte pred ogledom (npr. ribe), poskrbite, da je nepremi?nina pospravljena in ?ista, da v predsobi ni kup nametanih ?evljev in bund, prezra?ite in odprite rolete. Ko kupec vstopi v nepremi?nino, si mora predstavljati, kako bi bilo, ?e bi tam ?ivel in bi bil to njegov dom. S temi dejavniki lahko zelo vplivamo na to, da bo prvi vtis ?aroben in lep.

2. Neprimerna cena

Cena je lahko previsoka, lahko pa je tudi prenizka. V obeh primerih nam to lahko povzro?i te?ave. ?e je cena prenizka, se nam poraja vpra?anje, ali je kaj narobe. Je urejena vsa dokumentacija? So sosedi prijetni? Enako je pri visoko nastavljeni ceni. Zakaj bi ?el na ogled nepremi?nine, ki je dra?ja od drugih? Posvetujte se s svojim nepremi?ninskim posrednikom! Ne pozabite: pravilna cena je zelo pomembna.

3. Slaba predstavitev

Velikokrat smo pri?a slabim oglasom, predvsem tam, kjer prodajalec prodaja sam. Ve?inoma tak?en oglas vsebuje slike, narejene s telefonom, kjer niso zajeti vsi vogali, opis je nepopoln, navedeni pa so le osnovni podatki. Tukaj se navezujemo na prvi vtis, saj so slike zelo pomembne. ?e torej prodajate/oddajate nepremi?nino, se potrudite, da bo predstavitev ?im bolj?a.

4. Neprimeren nepremi?ninski agent

Zgodi se lahko, da se z nepremi?ninskim agentom ne pove?ete, da se ne za?utite in da enostavno niste izbrali primernega agenta za to mikrolokacijo ali za to vrsto samih nepremi?nin. Agent morda ni za?util te nepremi?nine in jo potem tudi te?ko predstavi potencialnim kupcem. Neprimeren agent je prav tako lahko razlog, zakaj nepremi?nine ne prodate.

5. Nefleksibilnost

Na trgu smo pri?a temu, da so prodajalci zelo nefleksibilni. Kaj pravzaprav to pomeni? Primer oglasa: prodajate nepremi?nino, ki je vseljiva ?ez eno leto … Malo je tak?nih, ki bodo kupili nepremi?nino, ki bo vseljiva ?ele ?ez leto dni. Ko prodajamo in oddajamo, moramo biti fleksibilni in se prilagajati, kajti zgodi se lahko, da nam bo nepremi?nina stala, na koncu pa bomo prisiljeni ni?ati ceno. V?asih je treba sprejeti kompromise.

6. Osve?itev

Tu ne mislimo na celotno renovacijo hi?e, saj je v?asih potrebna le mala osve?itev, da nepremi?nina poka?e svojo du?o in energijo. Mogo?e je treba kaj prepleskati, mogo?e zamenjati vti?nico, zamenjati pipo v kopalnici, popraviti lu?, ki ?e pol leta ne dela, pa je nismo imeli ?asa popraviti. ?e s 100,00 € lahko naredimo ogromno spremembo pri nepremi?nini in njeni osve?itvi. V?asih je treba na kav? dati le prevleko, da izgleda prostor prenovljen. Ne boste verjeli, kak?ne ?ude?e lahko naredijo tak?ne malenkosti na nepremi?nini. Vra?amo se k vtisu, saj mora kupec dobiti odli?en prvi vtis in tudi osve?itev nepremi?nine naredi veliko.


We present to you six possible mistakes why you cannot sell a property based on experience.

  1. First impression

The first impression is like a first date. If the first date does not go as expected, there probably won't be a second date. So, potential buyers may not come for a second viewing. The first impression, the first experience, the first date with the property must be the best! Do not cook before the viewing (e.g., fish), ensure that the property is tidy and clean, there are no piles of shoes and coats in the hallway, ventilate, and open the shutters. When the buyer enters the property, they should imagine how it would be to live there and make it their home. With these factors, we can have a significant impact on making a magical and beautiful first impression.

2. Inappropriate price

The price can be too high or too low, which can cause problems in both cases. If the price is too low, we may question if there is something wrong. Is all the documentation in order? Are the neighbors pleasant? The same applies to a high price. Why would someone view a property that is more expensive than others? Consult with your real estate agent! Remember: the right price is crucial.

3. Poor presentation

Often, we see poor advertisements, especially where the seller sells the property themselves. Usually, such an advertisement contains pictures taken with a phone that do not capture all corners, the description is incomplete, and only basic information is listed. Here, we connect with the first impression because pictures are very important. Therefore, if you are selling/renting out a property, make an effort to make the presentation as good as possible.

4. Inappropriate real estate agent

It can happen that you do not connect with the real estate agent, do not feel comfortable, and simply have not chosen the right agent for this micro-location or type of property itself. The agent may not have felt this property and may find it challenging to present it to potential buyers. An inappropriate agent can also be a reason why you cannot sell a property.


In the market, we often see that sellers are very inflexible. What does this actually mean? For example, if you're selling a property that won't be available for occupancy for another year... Few will buy a property that won't be available for a year. When we sell and rent, we must be flexible and adapt, because it can happen that the property remains unsold, and in the end, we will be forced to lower the price. Sometimes we have to compromise.


Here we don't mean a complete renovation of the house, as sometimes just a small refreshment is needed to bring out the soul and energy of the property. Maybe something needs to be repainted, maybe a socket needs to be replaced, or a faucet in the bathroom, or a light that hasn't been working for six months but we haven't had time to fix it. With just 100.00 €, we can make a huge difference in the property's refreshment. Sometimes just putting a cover on the couch can make the room look renovated. You won't believe what wonders such small things can do for the property. We're returning to the impression, because the buyer must get an excellent first impression, and the refreshment of the property makes a big difference.

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