This is Ndida.
Ndida L. Laizer, Head Teacher of Kimandafu Primary School in Maji Ya Chai, Tanzania

This is Ndida.

And this is her story:

28 years ago we founded "Momella F?rderverein e.V." to ensure small children in Tansania are granted a solid and promising primary education in public schools.

By now, our program involves 2.300 children in four different primary schools, and each year we travel to this beautiful country to take inventory, assess and evaluate our programs, discuss new concepts of support, and mostly to coach the teachers on how to improve their teaching and how to further develop their schools to a more inspiring and optimistic academic environment for students, teachers and community.

This year, it was on us to learn and to be coached. Mostly by Ndida and her amazing school-staff:

Some years ago, long before she became head teacher, her school had dropped to the weakest of all of our schools, performing far below average compared to other schools in our district. We had very serious discussions with the school, explaining how funds from Germany might drop, if the schools performance is not elevated.

Even without being head teacher, she understood this very serious concern, and developed a long term plan, starting in first grade, to improve the school, the quality of education and the overall performance of Kimandafu Primary school. We agreed to keep supporting if her plans show some results. And it did!

Year by year the school climbed up in the official ranking of all public school, and of course we kept our promise and keep supporting her. This year, her school is ranking among the top five primary schools of all 116 public schools around. And even more impressing, her school has even passed some of the highly-funded and priviliged private schools!

Knowing the circumstances, which set public and private schools apart in this country, this is an amazing achievement, inexplicable in some ways. But Ndida can explain it:

With a perfect vision, loads non-monetary methods of motivation and inspiration for her fellow teachers, a spirit of teamwork and dedication, involvement of parents and community, a clear focus on even the weakest of her students while even sending her top-performing students to academic competitions, she has made the impossible possible! And while she and her staff are thanking us for our support, we feel humble and proud to have her as one of the head-teachers in our program!

Last year, we started to transfer her concept to our other schools, and one of them is actually already catching up! And this thursday, Ndida will speajk to the board of education in Arusha, explaining what it takes to make public schools successful!

What an achievement!!!

Unfortunately, Ndida is not on LikedIn or any other social media. But if you would like to support her, her staff, and the teams in our other schools, please feel free to contact me, check our website at and/or donate directly via paypal to

We ensure, 99,9 % of all donations are precisely invested by us to local companies, bookstores, carpenters, suppliers and other partners, all of which are contributing to our schools in Meru District close to Arusha. Our NGO has no administration-fees whatsoever, all of our work is voluntarily and free of charge!

And if you would like to keep in touch with our work, why not become a member: with only 85,00 Euro per year (!) you are helping 5 students to have the chance everyone deserves, but not everyone gets:

A solid and promising primary education for a chance to live a self-determined life.

wunderbarer Beitrag! Ich bin als kleines, stilles Mitglied schon einige Jahre im Verein und unterstütze von Herzen eure tolle Arbeit Cedric Ebener ?? Danke!! An alle Anderen: kommt dazu!


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