NDE 101: Certifications and Career Opportunities in Nondestructive Evaluation

NDE 101: Certifications and Career Opportunities in Nondestructive Evaluation


Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) is a cornerstone of modern engineering, ensuring the integrity and reliability of crucial infrastructure without compromising material properties.

This scientific discipline encompasses a suite of techniques used to evaluate the condition of components and systems across various industries, from aerospace and automotive to energy and construction.

As the world emphasises safety and longevity, the demand for skilled NDE Professionals has escalated, opening a realm of career opportunities.

Certifications in NDE provide a structured pathway for individuals to demonstrate their expertise, adhere to global standards, and progress in a technology-driven field.

This article explores the various certifications available in NDE, the career opportunities they unlock, and the potential for advancement within this dynamic field.

Whether a professional is starting out or seeking to expand their technical horizons, a Career in NDE offers a blend of challenge, stability, and the satisfaction of a role in safeguarding the fabric of industry and NDE Innovation.

Certifications in Nondestructive Evaluation

Non-destructive Evaluation certifications serve as a benchmark for the skills and knowledge essential to perform inspections that prevent failures, accidents, and costly downtime.

These certifications are not only proof of professional competency but also a regulatory requirement in many sectors.

The American Society for Non-destructive Evaluation (ASNT) provides a widely recognized certification program, with three levels of qualification reflecting increasing levels of expertise and responsibility:

Level I

The entry-level certification is where individuals demonstrate a foundational understanding of NDE Methods and can perform specific calibrations and tests under supervision.

Level II

At this intermediate level, professionals must exhibit a deeper technical understanding, analyze results, and have the authority to set up and calibrate equipment.

Level III

This advanced level is for experts who can develop, qualify, and approve procedures, interpret codes, and provide oversight for NDE operations.

Other reputable organizations also offer NDE Certifications, including the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which under ISO 9712 provides an international framework for NDE personnel qualification and certification, ensuring a harmonized standard across countries.

In addition to general NDE certifications, there are specialized certificates for various NDT Testing Methods, such as:

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Ultrasonic Testing uses high-frequency sound waves to detect internal flaws or to characterize materials.

An Ultrasonic Transducer applies ultrasonic pulses into materials.

When the pulses encounter a boundary with different acoustic impedances, such as a flaw, part of the energy is reflected back to the transducer.?

By analyzing these reflections, a trained NDT Technician can locate and size hidden cracks, voids, or inclusions within a part.


Level I UT:

This certification qualifies a technician to perform specific calibrations and tests under close supervision and to report the findings.

Level II UT:

Technicians with this certification can set up and calibrate equipment, interpret and evaluate results per applicable norms, standards, and specifications.

Level III UT:

This is an advanced certification for NDT Professionals who can develop, qualify, and approve procedures, interpret standards and codes, and designate test methods and procedures.

Radiographic Testing (RT)

Radiographic Testing involves the use of X-rays or gamma rays to produce images of an object’s internal structure.

This NDT Method is used to identify internal defects or to inspect welds for quality control.


Level I RT:

A Level I technician carries out limited-scope radiographic testing under the supervision of higher-level personnel.

Level II RT:

Level II technicians are responsible for more complex tasks, including the selection of the NDE Technique to be used and conducting system performance checks.

Level III RT:

At this level, individuals are responsible for establishing techniques, interpreting codes, and training and supervising lower-level technicians.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

Magnetic Particle Testing involves the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material.

Read Further: onestopndt.com/ndt-articles/nde-certifications-career-opportunities



