NCQA’s 2024 Digital Quality Transition Wrap-Up
2024 saw lots of progress on the digital quality transition. Here are some highlights and resources you can use to hit the ground running in 2025!
Digital Quality Hub
The Digital Quality Hub went live in July, and we’ve added lots of new content since then. The Hub includes information for technical and non-technical audiences and resources for health plans, care delivery organizations and technology vendors. Check out these resources on the latest trending topics:
Visit the Digital Quality Hub to learn more!
December Digital Quality Transition Webinar
Over 700 people joined this webinar to hear the latest updates. We answered many questions live during the event, and we’ll post answers to more questions on the Digital Quality Hub. Download the slides and view the recording on our website.
Must-Read Digital Quality Articles
We covered a lot of digital quality topics in our blog, including timelines for the transition to digital HEDIS.
Top Digital Quality Podcasts
NCQA interviewed experts in the digital quality transition for our Quality Matters podcast. These episodes can help you get up to speed.
Coming Soon
We’ll keep the momentum going in 2025 with more resources and support!
Keep up with the latest digital quality updates by joining our interactive Digital Quality Community, launching in early 2025.