NCC Q3 2021: A strong quarter
NCC’s report for the third quarter and January – September 2021 was published today.
NCC had a strong third quarter. In short, we are improving along the trajectory that we set out already in 2018 and demand is good across our markets and segments. All business areas in the contracting operations have higher operating profit, improved margins and a healthy order backlog. Three property projects were recognized in profit with favorable result. The Industry business area is a stable performer; however, earnings has taken a severe hit from the loss-making asphalt operations in Finland. In October, an agreement was signed to divest that business to a local Finnish company.
The cash flow was strong during the quarter from both property sales and other operations.
Our recipe for improvement remains the same: Choose the right projects, run them in a disciplined manner and develop our way of working. It is evident that we also meet the rising prices for input materials and disruptions in some supply chains, but we have not yet seen any direct impact from this on our operations. Our projects are managing this well.
Within the company we are following the plan that we established three years ago and are continuing to work to create stable and sustainable profitability so that we can generate value and invest for the future.