NCBP Predicted WWIII at World Press Conference on 10 January 2019
Professor Vivian R. F. Linssen D.I.
Founding Executive Director at International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre (IMNRC asbl/vzw)
Dear All,
In an article I published a few months after my International Press Conference at the Press Club Brussels Europe on 10nth January 2019 announcing my official campaign as independent candidate for the European Commission Presidency - see Peace In Europe: Why Only 80 years? - I gave a warning. Unfortunately, I was not heeded and Von der Leyen was imposed on the EU citizens against their will following an EU Institutional Coup d'Etat.
The article is a reminder that I predicted the present WWIII which was why my top priority had I been elected was recovering the citizens' lost trust. Without trust, nothing is sustainable. Distrust can have devastating consequences as we are now seeing in all sectors: economy, finance, business, relationships, politics, ...
Whether deliberate, or calculated or due to sheer incompetence, it is more than time to consider the dismantlement of the UN+EU+WEF System and its integration in a highly interactive New Global Governance Infrastructure created with and not imposed on the world population based on mutual trust in a common referential: achieving and sustaining the well-being and quality of life of eight billion human beings at interconnected personal, family, neighbourhood, local, regional, national, continental and world levels which is after all the Third Millennium’s Top Priority. This requires a fundamental mindset, education and governance revolution in order to acquire the Capacity to understand and constructively manage Global Complexity in an ever changing world. This is the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP). The NCBP is a systemic programme that integrates all the International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre’s (IMNRC’s) activities together. This is why the best way to present the Innovative Proposal is the IMNRC Brochure itself.
Conclusion 1: The NCBP must replace the UN+EU+WEF System
Conclusion 2: Join The NCBP
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Best regards,
Professor Vivian R. F. Linssen D.I.?
Founding Director & CEO
International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Center a.s.b.l./v.z.w.
Principal Coordinator
NewPOL Network
Jesus-Eiklaan 120
BE-3080 Tervuren
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