NCAA & NFL: Black Bodies In Pain Is An Orgiastic Religious Experience
Patricia Figueroa
Ex-Dow Jones & Yale I Career Coach & Recruiter I?I want people to live their dream, not dream their life!?
Black bodies — specifically and in particular, Black men — in pain is a literal religious orgasmic experience for white people.
It’s religious ecstasy and porn all wrapped up into one.
Don’t believe me?
Have you already forgotten how many times Damar Hamlin’s literal death was replayed in slow motion by mainstream media news outlets across the country long before it was clear whether he would recover or remain comatose for the rest of his life?
Have you already moved on from that because it wasn’t even last season — an eternity ago by football standards — but was actually the season before last and you’re already counting down to the return of the Big 10 on Saturday night for college football at the end of the month and Chiefs vs Ravens next month to kick off the NFL season next month?
You know who hasn’t forgotten?
Damar Hamlin’s mother.
And me, a Black woman, who was appalled by just how many times the clip of Damar Hamlin literally collapsing backwards and dying in front of our eyes was replayed in slow motion again and again on MSNBC, on CNN, on Fox News, when the young man was still in a coma fighting for his life.
But you – the mostly white viewers – and you do make up over 70% of the NFL and NCAA Big 10 viewing audience have definitely already moved on.
Just another dead Black man.
Just another Michael Brown, George Floyd, Ahmad Arbery, Philando Castile.
But do you need more evidence, more proof, that Black men in pain isn’t just a national pastime for the good old US of A dating back to slavery but that, more than just entertainment, it is a literal religious experience and an orgasmic porntastic viewing experience?
Let’s start with the exploited mostly Black college students who — while they receive scholarships which by the way can be revoked at any time for any reason by their mostly white coaches — can finally be paid directly by their schools in certain conferences like the Big 10 and can finally monetize their NIL (name, image & likeness) still do not have health insurance provided to them by the universities they are pulverizing their bodies and brains and minds for.
Football is a sport with a 100% injury rate — unlike baseball, basketball & soccer, it’s not if you will be injured playing football, it’s when.
Yet these young mostly Black men are uninsured by the universities & colleges that they make literal billions of dollars for while they break their bodies & minds for them.
Paralyzed on kickoff? Unless you can crowdfund the money, that’s your ass.
And even if you do manage to crowdfund the money – will it really be enough to support a paraplegic young man for the rest of his life?
If he is larger and was a lineman, let’s say, how does that work out if he is paralyzed from the neck down?
How do his parents, many of whom are impoverished themselves and uninsured, afford to outfit their homes to accustom their newly paralyzed son who they may be physically unable to lift up themselves especially if the "parents" are actually a single mother as is often the case?
Do you give a damn as you watch these mostly Black men break their bodies and minds for you?
Ofcourse not, it’s all about school spirit, cheer, fanaticism, 100k fans screaming as one in unison, faces painted, marching band playing, school song singing, cheerleaders cheering.
And the college players who are paralyzed, who suffer catastrophic injuries, who die during often inhumane and completely unsafe training camps – which happens every single season – is nothing but collateral damage for you while you tailgate in your university’s parking lot and cheer on your alma mater.
As long as it’s someone else’s Black son – right?
"Haslerig and colleagues found that overall, the footage revealed callousness toward Black players' pain and disregard for their future health, as evidenced by the constant replays of how they were injured, the camera lingering on Black players clearly in pain (or utterly immobile), the glossing over of serious concussive injuries, and assertions of their disposability."
?Article: Invincible bodies: American sport media’s racialization of Black and white college football players.
"The sports media complex consistently portrays and frames Black men in a way that encourages viewers to neglect their innate humanity while partaking in the voyeuristic enjoyment of their pain and hardship (Haslerig, Vue, and Grummert 2020)."
?Article: Invincible bodies: American sport media’s racialization of Black and white college football players.
6% of the US population is Black men.?
Nearly 50% of NCAA Division I college football players are Black.?
Did you catch that??
Black men are only six percent of the US population but they make up nearly 50% of NCAA Division I college football players.
Modern day slavery.
86% of NCAA Division I highly paid millionaire coaches are white.?
86% of collegiate athletes live below the federal poverty line -- 86%!?
Modern day plantation.
All of these Black athletes with no health insurance risk their bodies and minds for predominantly white institutions, coaches and fans with only a .03% chance of making it to the NFL.?
These mostly Black players receive college scholarships which can be taken away by their mostly white coaches for any reason including injury and underperformance — that's not an opportunity, that's exploitation.?
Since the players are not offered health insurance through their schools or the NCAA, if they suffer a catastrophic injury, they are forced to pay out of pocket as many Black players are from impoverished backgrounds and are not covered under their parents health insurance plans as many of their parents lack jobs that provide health insurance.?
Keep in mind that similarly to the NFL, the vast majority of the viewing audience is white (over 75%).
The author of the below NYT article about Michigan football being the "best cult ever" is also white.
?"I Was Transformed by the Best Cult Ever: Michigan Football”:
Article Excerpt
"I went to Ann Arbor, Mich., for a journalism fellowship because I was stuck in life. An outside observer might say I was depressed, unhappy and a little too obsessed with my dog. I felt isolated and lonely — part of the psychological epidemic that followed the pandemic.
But I never wrote or cared about football. It wasn’t the violence. Football just wasn’t part of my culture growing up.
But what followed changed my life. I was transformed by Michigan football. My mental health shifted; I was happy for the first time in a long time.
And it wasn’t just about football. It felt bigger than that, as if joining a massive crowd is novel and embarrassingly spiritual. We were in it together.
For my first game, Ann Arbor radiated maize and blue. I stopped at a tailgate with friends. You could see the bricks of the Big House — officially, Michigan Stadium — from their corner and hear the pregame hysteria. Strangers offered me squares of shortbread (each with a letter from “Michigan”), sandwiches, chips, beer, White Claw.
I was still skeptical when I entered the Big House, but it was stunning. Something — some kind of mystical energy that can come only from 110,000 people chanting in unison — washed over me. I stood on the bleachers and yelled and cheered and mumbled the fight song (I didn’t know the words yet). I worried that the students pounding Fireballs would tip over and turn into human dominoes.
The place was so packed but so purpose driven that everyone held one another up, caring when caring was needed. They pointed out when phones fell, or someone needed hydration, or an escort out.
In the Big House (the third-biggest stadium in the world), I felt delirious joy, meditative peace, a sense of comfort.?
For seven home games, I understood more about why I gravitated to the stadium. Something clicked. My mood, upon entering, changed immediately. I was swept up in frenetic joy. It was as if we, the fans, were a superorganism."
And who pays the price for the mostly white fans' near religious experience at these college football games??
The mostly Black players sustaining & incurring permanent brain damage & debilitating physical injuries without health insurance with scholarships that can be taken away at any time for any reason by mostly white coaches.
Article Excerpt
"I tailgated in 19-degree frost; screamed for Victor, the Frisbee-catching dog; chanted “Hail to the Victors” with the band; sang “Mr. Brightside” as loud as possible, a cappella, in unison; shared small bottles of tequila with people I’d never met.
One surprising reality of the Big House magic is that there are so many people in one place that cell phones don’t work: The infrastructure can’t handle the density of users. There is no way to experience the two to three hours together except by paying attention and participating. There is no way to get lost in a horrifying social media feed or internet rabbit hole."
Mostly Black men exacting violence upon one another is white America's catharsis and great escape, their weekly religious experience, their vicarious adrenaline rush, their escape from reality & their mundane existence, at the expense of mostly Black men's minds & bodies both at the amateur unprofessional NCAA level and ofcourse in the pros at the NFL level where Sunday, which previously belonged to God and the church, now belongs to Black men breaking each others’ bodies and scrambling each others’ brains for a mostly white audience’s enjoyment.
Article Excerpt
"Through football, my mental health shifted; I was happy for the first time in a long time. I found strangers who became friends, long-lost friends (die-hard Michigan fans) who re-emerged in my life, relatives and colleagues who were alumni cheering on my cheering from afar.
I found myself joining the best cult ever: Michigan football.
It has helped that we’re undefeated (notice how I use “we” now) and favored to win the national championship (starting with a College Football Playoff semifinal, the Rose Bowl, on New Year’s Day).
Going to the games has allowed for release and purpose. Since Covid, I’m not alone in realizing how starved I was for this deep feeling. I entered a communal space with tens of thousands of fellow travelers who shared in the same experience, who had the same goals — to cheer, to win, to celebrate a team and a tradition and to experience a collective sense of belonging.
In 2021 the Stanford literature professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht wrote a book about crowds and stadiums as a ritual of intensity. He covered the idea that crowds can open humans up to experiences beyond ourselves.
Since Covid, these gatherings are more pronounced. I realize escape is a privilege, but for me the season pass was cheaper than one session of therapy."
Mostly Black men's pain & physical agony — there is not one college football game, not one, that passes by without at least one serious injury to mostly black players — is a religious experience, orgiastic joy and literal therapy for mostly white fans.
Article Excerpt
"Somehow, I have evolved from a person with no relationship to football to a devoted fan who now spends her free time watching Jim Harbaugh news conferences and reading GoBlue blogs.
I stormed the field after the win over Ohio State — our last home game — and woke up with a sprained toe, four bruises, no ability to talk because I had been screaming, a sunburn (it was 19 degrees that morning, so who knows how that happened?) and a spiritual awakening.
I was transported to a different level of being: elation.
My newfound obsession is not without reservations and questions. The players should be paid. A lot. What does it mean to have 22 players on the field, brains still developing, risking life and limb for the entertainment of 100,000 people in person and millions more on TV?
I don’t know, but it’s probably bad.”
But the mostly Black players aren’t “paid a lot" to pulverize their bodies and batter their brains for their mostly white fans' enjoyment.?
The author of the article claims to “not know” “what it means” that players who have “brains still developing, risking life and limb for the entertainment of 100,000 people in person and millions more on TV” and whether it is good or bad but even she concedes it’s “probably bad”.
The reality is, the author does know and there is no "probably bad” about it but the white female author and the rest of the majority white audience don’t want their religious, orgasmic, spiritual, cathartic, vicarious, ritualistic football experience at the cost of mostly Black men breaking each other for their entertainment interrupted or diminished in any way, shape or form.
So, she and the millions of other fans — and this also extends to NFL fans as well — pretend they “don’t know” if it’s “bad” that mostly Black men batter their brains and pulverize their bodies for their entertainment.
Article Excerpt
"Still, after the epic victory over Ohio State, I felt I might die without football. I could sense my devotion waning and needed that wild, frenzied collective love. I don’t want this season to end."
A mostly white audience feels, as this white female Michigan fan fervently notates, that they "might die" if the religious experience of mostly Black male bodies writhing in 4K slow motion pain and physical agony is ever taken away from them.?
That's what football is when you strip away the pageantry and the spectacle.?
All you're left with is the voyueristic violence.
That is why grotesque, devastating, debilitating injuries to mostly Black men are replayed ad nauseam to a mostly white viewing audience.?
It’s why the injuries are replayed in slow motion.?
It's not about showing the viewer what happened — you could do that without replaying it in slow motion.?
Black men in physical agony is an art to a mostly white audience — it is a viewing experience that needs to be slowed down, savored and enjoyed.?
If not, then why are injury replays not just in slow motion but also replayed multiple times over and over and over again??
That's not about informing a viewer about how an injury went down — it's about giving a mostly white audience a voyeuristic thrill of seeing magnificent Black male specimens in slow motion physical pain and agony.
It's porn.
Article Excerpt
"I realized two things after our last victory: I am a Michigan football fan for life, and Coach Harbaugh gloriously has resting wolverine face.
When Michigan plays Alabama in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., I will be at the alumni tailgate at 10 a.m., I will sit in the Michigan section, and I will scream for our quarterback J.J. McCarthy and running back Blake Corum. The Rose Bowl is not the Big House; no place is the Big House.
But I want to be there. Scratch that. I need to be there to watch Michigan win — and to share that feeling with my fellow true believers."
"My fellow true believers"??
If that's not a cult, what is?
So, that’s the NCAA – what about the NFL?
The same orgiastic consumption of slow motion video replays of Black male bodies in pain applies to the NFL to its’ similarly mostly white — over 75% — viewing audience.
?“Please stop. Whether it is police shooting Black men, or something like this, media outlets treat Black suffering like porn. Just stop,” Dr. Stacey Patton, a journalist and research associate professor at the Institute for Urban Research at Morgan State University, tweeted about MSNBC’s coverage of Damar Hamlin.
?"We see this all the time, which is why Black players beating the hell out of each other each week isn’t hard for viewers to stomach. And that’s why it will be business as usual when this weekend’s slate of NFL games gets here. Black pain and death are the foundation of this country; Black trauma is just a day that ends in -y."
NFL violence inflicted by mostly Black men against mostly Black men isn't like porn to its overwhelmingly white male audience — it is porn.?
As a reminder, only 6% of the US population is Black male, however over 70% of the NFL is Black and the positions with the most collisions & concussions – linemen, linebacker & running back – are dominated by Black men and the positions with the fewest collisions & concussions – quarterback & kicker – are dominated by white men.
White men especially get off on seeing Black bodies in pain & physical agony.
Davante Adams, in a game during the 2021 season when he was still playing for the Green Bay Packers, took an extremely hard hit where his helmet partially came off and his mouthguard popped out.?
The camera literally zoomed in all the way into his facemask to focus on his eyes rolling to the back of his head.?
It was one of the singularly most sickening, disgusting, dehumanizing & absolutely nauseating injury replays I have ever seen in the NFL and I had been watching football at that point every Sunday with my husband for well over a decade.?
It was so exploitative for the cameras to zoom in on the exact moment when Davante was most vulnerable and actually temporarily losing consciousness.?
That’s not about replaying the injury so the viewer can see what happened and how the player got hurt.?
That is nothing but mostly white cameramen at the game and white male viewers at home getting off to slow motion video and images replayed over and over again, complete with sickening zoom-ins, of Black men in pain and agony, vulnerable and losing consciousness, completely defenseless, their suffering being broadcast in zoomed in living color to millions of mostly white male homes to get off on mostly Black men suffering in slow motion in physical agony.?
The more replays, the more slow motion, the more zoomed in, the more the camera almost lovingly lingers and gazes on Black men twisting, twisted, screaming, seizing, convulsing, crying in physical agony, anguish, fear, dread, the more their eyes roll to the backs of their head, the more they temporarily black out and lose consciousness, the more they drop to the turf in 4k 1080p slow motion after a devastating hit, the more they are crunched, the more they are popped, the more their helmets chin straps and mouthguards pop off, the more they bleed, the more they suffer, the more they lie there immobilized on the field seriously hurt and injured while the camera hungrily zooms in for more, the white male gaze at Black suffering never satisfied never satiated always thirsting for more Black pain it can feast itself on, the more defenseless helpless vulnerable and immobile the Black players are, the longer they lie still without moving, the more they twitch in absolute utter uncontrollable convulsive agony, the longer they remain face down motionless on the turf, the more times the mostly white male audience can watch the mostly Black players being bent backwards, bent in half, their Black male bodies turning and twisting in ways and angles the human body was never meant to twist, the more violence you can stuff into this live snuff film being broadcast to millions of mostly white male viewers, the more they get off.?
Still don’t believe me?
Search Corwin Brown absolutely demolishing Keyshawn Johnson in a 1991 game.?
Literally, go to youtube and type in “Corwin Brown Keyshawn Johnson hit” and to this day, over thirty years later the video will instantaneously come up.
Look at the comments on youtube.
Now, go to google and enter “Corwin Brown Keyshawn Johnson hit reddit”.
Click on the reddit links that come up and read those comments as well.
What did you see in the comments?
As you’ve probably put together, this hit is one half of the picture that starts my article.
The other half is from the Michigan fan’s NYT article as it is what she used as the distillation of her Wolverine pride and fanaticism.
So, now that you hopefully read the comments on youtube and reddit, let’s talk about the hit.
Keyshawn is clearly knocked out cold temporarily from the hit but he eventually gets up and, being that this was 1991, immediately resumes playing.?
The announcers never question if Keyshawn is okay although they and the viewers have just clearly witnessed Keyshawn literally temporarily lose consciousness.?
The announcers never express concern about Keyshawn suffering an extremely obvious concussion to the point where he was temporarily knocked out on the field.?
Now, let’s talk about the comments on youtube and reddit regarding the hit on Keyshawn by Corwin — Black on Black male violence, white America’s absolute fave.?
The comments on youtube and reddit are universally celebrating the hit because Keyshawn Johnson was a very confident, cocky, young Black player who was very gifted and always had a huge smile on his face.?
Perhaps a bit of bad timing, but prior to the game where he suffered this extremely egregious hit, the network showed a clip of Keyshawn saying the harder he gets hit, the bigger he smiles.?
Many comments on youtube and reddit snarkily asked regarding the hit and Keyshawn being temporarily knocked out, "Where's the smile?" and you can just hear them adding the word "nigger".?
They don’t have to type it out loud.?
It’s clear as day in their utter hatred and contempt of Keyshawn.?
The hit occurred in 1991.?
As memorable as I’m sure it was at the time given how devastating it was, what does it say about mostly if not damn near 99.9% white men searching the hit up online almost 30 years later to relive the memory, to relish the hit, to savor Keyshawn absorbing a horrific blow and full-on collision that temporarily caused him to lose consciousness and be knocked out on the field?
"Learned that nigger right."?
"That'll teach him to smile."
There was nothing “good-natured” about the hundreds of comments on both youtube and reddit.?
They were hateful, racist, derogatory, violent, celebratory, unhinged, vitriolic, exaggerated and hyperbolic.
All that was missing was a “sons of bitches” and they could have been written by Trump.
Comment after comment on both youtube and reddit stated that it "served Keyshawn right".?
Are Black NFL star wide receivers not allowed to be cocky and confident??
Are they not allowed to have a bright, million dollar, full-wattage, flashy smile??
Does the overwhelmingly white male audience only accept that from the white party bois, the Gronkowskis and Kelces, while celebrating concussive hits that leave similarly outgoing Black players like Keyshawn Johnson temporarily unconscious?
Some comments stated that Keyshawn "had that smile wiped off that face".?
No comments, none, stated that it was hard to watch Keyshawn get knocked out.?
Or that they were worried for Keyshawn when they watched the hit live in 1991.?
Or that losing consciousness and immediately reentering the game was dangerous given what the public now knows about CTE over thirty years later.
Nope, it's nothing but entertainment for them, a minstrelsy show — Black exploitation at its finest.?
There are even comments on reddit going so far to say that they wished that the ESPN Monday Night Football segment "Jacked Up!" had existed back in 1991 so that Keyshawn being obliterated to the point where he temporarily lost consciousness could be properly memorialized by a chorus of, "You got — JACKED UP!" to excitedly celebrate his permanent brain damage.?
In fact, a reddit user even said he would edit together Corwin Brown's hit on Keyshawn Johnson with Quandre Diggs' extremely dangerous, illegal and debilitating hit on Antonio Brown into a current day "Jacked Up!" segment for the users of reddit’s viewing pleasure to which the user received dozens of upvotes and comments stating that they couldn't wait to see the hits edited together.
The only thing that beats an NFL snuff film of mostly Black men concussing each other and giving each other permanent brain damage for the enjoyment of their mostly white male audience are police brutality videos of which there are so many the same reddit user could edit those together for a "Jacked Up! Police Brutality" segment and start with the greatest "hits" like George Floyd and Philando Castile.
After all, Floyd and Castile, just like Keyshawn and Brown got "jacked up!".