NCAA Considering Taking Cannabis Off Banned List, but Can High-Potency Cannabis Hurt Athletes?

NCAA Considering Taking Cannabis Off Banned List, but Can High-Potency Cannabis Hurt Athletes?

NCAA is revisiting its cannabis policy and drug testing for due to the support from its Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS). We believe that NCAA should update how it handles cannabis. It will be interesting to see the NCAA’s decision after the summer.

It is important to look at how cannabis today is not the same as cannabis of the past and how weed can hurt your body in ways that is hard to understand.

THC from 1% in the 70s to Today at 90% or Higher

The use of weed is now widely accepted in both US and Canada. In 2019,?17.5% of Americans and 21% of Canadians reported to using pot in the past year. Compared to 63% of Americans reported to use alcohol, cannabis usage is still relatively low.

In the mid 70s, the “Hippie Weed” generally contained about 1% THC. The low THC amount is the main reason why weed was not addictive and not harmful. It has since changed tremendously. In 2008 DEA study of seized cannabis study, the potency increased by 270% from 3.7% TCH in 1998 to 10.14% in 2008.

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In 2021, NIH released its data from seized weed showing the THC potency increased to 15.34%.

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Today, the trend continues to rise. THC extracts found in vapes and edibles are now at a dangerous level, over 90% THC! Logically, at such a high concentration and potency, this just doesn’t sound good.

In Ontario, Canada, there’s a 13-fold increase of CHS cases in Urgent Care where nearly 10% of these visits are hospitalized.

CBD Benefits for Athletes

A good percent of athletes take CBD for its benefits in pain management and inflammation. These effects have been be well-studied for cancer patients, but these results are not directly applicable to the much healthier athletes. You cannot assume that you will have the same affects and benefits as a cancer patient.

A recent?CBD benefit study involving 517 pro-athletes in UK Rugby, cited the main interest for using CBD were for pain management and get better sleep. But the study showed only 41% saw pain management benefits where only 14% got better sleep.

More CBD studies will be needed to understand if there’s truly a benefit for athlete use.

Long-Term Cannabis Use & Effects

The long-term effects of cannabis use have not been fully understood. However, NIH released a study in 2021, showed?no difference in chronic weed users and non-cannabis users?in aerobic fitness, blood pressure, muscular strength and endurance measures, work capacity, anaerobic power or markers of stress and inflammation. There’s little evidence to show that chronic cannabis use has any effect on physical performance in recreationally active participants.

However, the potency of the cannabis was not taken into consideration in these studies. Ultimately, if you are using low potency weed, it will not affect you as much as if you were using 90% THC weed all day long. We’d advise to wait for further data to truly understand the long-term impacts.

What is CHS or Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome?

CHS is a condition caused by long-term usage of high-potency marajuana. The THC and its related chemicals bind to molecules found in the brain and digestive tract to cause the following symptoms.

  • intense and persistent nausea
  • repeated severe vomiting
  • weight loss
  • stomach pain

There are 3 stages of CHS: Prodromal, Hyperemetic, and Recovery. Ultimately, the only cure is to stop using weed.

In Ontario, Canada, there’s a 13-fold increase of CHS cases in Urgent Care where nearly 10% of these visits are hospitalized (source:?JAMA Network Open). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the CHS more than doubled from 1.38 visits per 100,000 individuals in February 2020 to 3.40 visits per 100,000 individuals in June 2021.

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It may be a stretch to say that it is now an epidemic, but it is estimated that approximately?2.75 million Americans may be suffering from CHS every year.

Until CHS can be better diagnosed and treated, if you enjoy weed and want to continue to be able to use for the rest of your life, moderation is the key. Similar to alcohol usage, don’t do it every day and stay away from the super strong stuff.

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