Navy STP 2024-2025 Cohort: Human Performance Technologies
Navy SBIR/STTR Transition Program (Navy STP)
Providing commercialization, transition, and professional assistance to small businesses.
Explore the different human performance technologies being developed by the current Navy STP cohort.
ACSILabs (San Diego, CA) Accelerated Learning Model for Increased Strategic and Tactical Decision Making Using Multi-Player Games
ACSILabs Inc is developing an accelerated learning model for increased strategic and tactical decision making using multi-player games. An experimental group trained with the accelerated learning principles will receive training on tactics for urban combat. Their performance in the FutureView micro world of an urban combat or other combat environment will be measured. A control group will not receive training developed with the accelerated learning principles, but will receive more traditional training before being measured in the FutureView micro world. Individuals from each group will then plan and conduct tactical approaches in an urban setting. Topic N211-082.
Bunker Supply? (Goleta, CA) Naval Aircrew Emergency Armor Release (NACEAR)
Bunker Supply is developing an emergency release system to shed armor from the survival vests of rotorcraft operators during in-water survival situations. This will jettison armor plates without losing vests and critical gear. Provides operator buoyancy while other devices are deployed, or while other rescue options are identified. Existing solutions require multiple pulls and re-gripping of a release strap, which is unreliable in survival situations. The proposed system is deployed by a single-handed, single-stroke continuous motion. It is manually operated to prevent automatic actuation. The solution is easily adaptable as a retrofit fit to currently fielded vests, or the technology can be integrated in new vests. Topic N211-004.
ChromoLogic LLC (Monrovia, CA) Membrane Contractor based CO2 Absorbing Module (MC-CAM)
ChromoLogic LLC (CL), located in Monrovia, California, proposes to develop a Membrane Contactor based CO2 Absorbing Module (MC-CAM) to timely remove and maintain CO2 concentration of CCR in a safe range. The MC-CAM system will be integrated to the current military SCUBA rebreathers providing endurance for over 10 hours. The end product will become the standard CO2 scrubbing solution for all underwater operations. The ruggedized MC-CAM is reusable and is supposed to protect divers from hypercapnia without any prevention maintenance. CL will fabricate a small prototype for the proof of concept and a high-fidelity full-size prototype will be prepared and demonstrated at Navy facilities. Topic N22-120.
Design Interactive, Inc. (Orlando, FL) CACHE: (Contribute, Approve, Curate, Hyper-distribution Engine)
Since the advent of the internet, senior leaders have called for shifting from a need-to-know approach to a need-to-share. Expert Sailors need a way to make their knowledge available to the enterprise, Naval leadership needs a formal way to review, vet and edit knowledge passed on, and all Sailors need an intuitive way to access content. To realize these capabilities, Design Interactive created the Contribute, Approve, Curate, Hyper-distribution Engine (CACHE), a web-based knowledge curation and distribution system. CACHE uses artificial intelligence (AI) to curate content relevant to each Sailor, introducing flexibility and speed, ultimately making content available, accurate, and accessible. Topic N21A-T016.
GreenSight (Charlestown, MA) Innovative K-12 STEM Education Using Biomimetic Soft Robot Kits
Ocean life captures the imagination of children and adults. With nearly infinite diversity of form and function, it is a playground to engage the creative processes of young minds. GreenSight, located in Charlestown, Massachusetts, is leveraging the appeal of this playground, teaching K-12 students the principles of biomimicry and soft robotics to create their own unique and imaginative robotic solutions that imitate subaquatic biological organisms. GreenSight will provide fun and engaging kitted robots to build, modify, improve, or play with, depending on the age of the students. The robotic systems are designed to be engaging across a wide age range by varying the level of technical engagement using the same basic robotic parts. Topic N22A-T023.
Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. (College Station, TX) Training Simulation Intelligent Scenario Generation Tools (ISMF)
Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.’s Intelligent Scenario Management Framework (ISMF) initiative seeks to design, build, and transition technology that addresses the challenges of establishing an expert diagnostician tool that will generate simulation training scenarios. The resulting ISMF solution will provide training that includes content creation, execution, and performance measurement. The Maestro technology solution allows the training content to relate training stimuli to responses, thereby providing for performance measurement, and enabling a mechanism to instrument training with critical knowledge from a variety of training roles including instructional experts, SMEs, research scientists, ISR operators, etc. Topic N02-184.
LILT AI (Emeryville, CA) Adaptive Neural Machine Translation Solution OCR Research and Domain-Adaptation Scaling Prototype
Lilt’s project will advance the integration of a basic/ initial Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capability with AI language translation software. Lilt will research methods for enhanced OCR error detection capability and for improved OCR of structured data, develop and implement methods to address OCR line break issues, and research methods for enhanced in-document OCR capability. Lilt will develop and test a prototype that can scale domain-adapted translation, investigate methods for tailored domain specialization and AI model optimization, and conduct research to enhance baseline model quality. Lilt will experiment with and report on emerging, ATO pathways to rapidly deploy software. Topic AF192-001.
Luna Labs USA (Charlottesville, VA) SAINTS: Smart Automatic Inflation System
?Current life preserver units (LPU) require Rotary Wing Naval Aircrew to inflate the device. Lack of consciousness or incapacitating injury has led to loss of life. Automatic LPUs for ejection seat and shipboard use lack sensor and logic capability to determine if aircrew are located within the airframe before activation. Luna Labs is developing SAINTS, the Smart Automatic Inflation System. The system consists of immersion and proximity sensors to intelligently determine the presence of a water survival situation and the location of the aircrew in relation to the downed aircraft to confirm egress before automatic inflation. Topic N212-109.
Qualtech Systems (Rocky Hill, CT) Training and E-Learning for Maintenance-tasks using a Modern Platform for Operational-efficiencies (TEMM-PO)
As more complex systems are fielded, new training is required. Digital-twin driven adaptive and immersive maintenance training techniques that provide up-to-date knowledge and expertise are needed. The QSI team proposes an enterprise training platform, Training and E-Learning for Maintenance using a Modern Platform for Operational-efficiencies (TEMM-PO) to provide a continuously improvable immersive content authoring pipeline that provides just-in-time and just-in-place maintenance training with a varied set of immersive experiences. The content creation pipeline will use open-source tools to convert legacy training content into interactive and immersive 3D content. Topic N221-069.
Qualtech Systems ?(Rocky Hill, CT) AR-driven Model-based Maintenance-training and Decision-support Aid (ARM-MADA)
Maintenance Operations and Training is part of lifecycle management. A model-driven dynamic reasoner can guide the technician in correcting anomalies and AR (Augmented Reality) can support visualization. Integration of AR into Maintenance requires a holistic approach incorporating CBM through monitored sensors and condition indicators. The QSI team propose a model-based decision support solution for Maintenance. The solution follows a model-driven agile TrainOps process, leveraging commercial AR technologies and learning sciences concepts where experience gained on the field is channeled into the classroom to improve Maintenance Training. Topic N192-134.
TekHolding (Salt Lake City, UT) Innovative Method for Development of Hemp-based Fabric
Hemp-based clothing is excellent for outdoor active wear, due to high strength, UV-protective qualities, mold resistance, and excellent moisture absorption and desorption. Although hemp has excellent properties, hemp fabrics and garments still face major challenges in the fabrication process and wearability. To achieve the overarching goal of high-performance hemp military uniforms, the first and crucial step is to develop high-quality hemp yarns. The proposed project will develop an innovative hybrid spinning process to yield wearable grade fabric yarns. Topic N21A-T001.
VISHWA Robotics (Cambridge, MA) Gajjar Innovative Submarine Escape Suit
Internal conditions of a DISSUB may require some, if not all, of the survivors to initiate single person escape in lieu of waiting for rescue forces to arrive. Due to the risks associated with deep sea escape, a new and improved single person escape technology for escape from 1000 fsw is needed. This challenge may involve addressing the physiological stressors on the diver's body associated with deep escape, the mechanical systems of the suit used to accomplish escape, or a combination of both. The Gajjar Improved Submarine Escape Suit (GISES) is thus being proposed to successfully accomplish single-man escape from 1000 fsw eliminating the primary risk of barotraumatic diseases. Topic N211-040.
Visit the Navy STP Virtual Transition Marketplace (Navy STP VTM) for additional information on Navy technology topics for small businesses participating in our program:
For more information about these projects, contact Navy STP at [email protected]
We're proud to have the support of the Navy SBIR/STTR Transition Program (Navy STP) to bring our immersion and proximity sensors to aircrew, providing life-saving technology in relation to downed aircraft. #humanperformance #watersurvival #automaticinflation #LPU