Navy Sailor Recruits Brother to the Fleet
NC1 Andrew Davis (left) and Seaman Apprentice Xavier Davis (right) pose at MEPS Chicago following Xavier's oath of enlistment on March 5, 2024.

Navy Sailor Recruits Brother to the Fleet

From brothers to Shipmates.

Meet NC1 Andrew Davis (left) and Seaman Recruit Xavier Davis (right). This past Tuesday, Xavier left for boot camp at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes.

When asked why he decided to join the Navy, Xavier pointed to his older brother and said “that guy right there.”

Xavier, a native of Peoria, IL, graduated from high school in May of 2023. He said he didn’t originally plan on going into the military, but later changed his mind.

“I saw a big opportunity with the Navy and when my brother told me to come join, I said ‘okay,” Xavier said. “I’m excited to pursue my career and hopefully enjoy it for the rest of my life.”

Following boot camp graduation, Xavier will attend “A” school in Meridian, Mississippi and begin his career as a logistic specialist (LS).

NC1 Davis believes him being in the military has largely influenced his brother.

“When I left when I was 18, he was only six years old,” NC1 Davis said. “He’s seen that everything I have in my life and I believe he wants to be successful and this is the way to get him there.”

NC1 Andrew Davis originally joined the Navy as a culinary specialist on submarines but made the switch to recruiting in May of 2023.

“I fell in love with recruiting,” NC1 Davis said. “I love being able to help people out who need the help or want to get out on their own, like my brother”.

Xavier said he was excited to be in the Navy and even joked about being confident in the challenges he might face.

“If my brother can make it through boot camp, I definitely can,” Xavier said. “I’m way stronger than him.”


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