Several years ago a Navy Captain attended one of our monthly investment Group meetings and then contacted me afterward and asked for a private meeting to discuss his personal goals and objectives. He had just returned from Afghanistan where he had received a field promotion from Lieutenant to Captain. During the time he was gone, he had also become the father of a beautiful baby girl who he was quite proud of and determined to provide for. His main goal and objective was to pay for her college education. He was a graduate of The Naval Academy in Annapolis. I agreed to mentor him and at our first meeting he brought the material he had received from two courses he had previously taken on lease/options for which he had paid a total of $10,000. ($5000 each). Both on the same subject matter--just written differently; neither of which would do him any good as he needed tax write-offs which was easily determined by a few smple quesstions. (For more detailed information on this go to my utube site Creating Wealth Through Real Estate with Sandra Musselwhite and check out the 11/19 meeting).
We found a VA owned property which we bid on for slightly more than was asked which was priced $30,000 below market value and at half of the assessed value and he was awarded the bid. After down payment and fix up costs He had approximately $10,000 into the deal. A few months later he rented the property and refinanced it taking out $60,000 cash Tax free and every year he NETS after all expenses (paying the mortgage, taxes, and insurance) $10,000 which is his original investment. AND last I knew he still owned the house and all the equity in it! His goal was to pay for his daughter's education! He's doing it!
Next week the story of How a man broke and technically homeless (but not living on the street) at the age of 60 is a millionaire 5 years later!
Send YOUR questions to [email protected] and we will answer them! Have a Blessed Day!