Navis Group's / FDIC Bank Stats as of March 31, 2019 Now Available
David Sidon, CPA
SOX / FDICIA / COSO Specialist; Managing Partner at Navis Partners LLC d/b/a The Navis Group; Banque Simulation Architect
We have completed our compilation of FDIC data for Q1 2019. Go to and click on Quarterly Data to download your copy of the Excel workbook.
We have a busy summer ahead of us, with 4 new COSO projects breaking over the next 3-4 months, although there's still bandwidth for another one or two if your institution is ready to initiate or refresh your FDICIA/SOX efforts.
In a couple of weeks, we'll be exhibitors at the FMS Conference in Boston (June 23,24,25). If you're attending, please stop by our booth and say hello. We'll be raffling off our world-famous "Controls Freak" hats.
Also this month, on Tuesday, June 18, we will be hosting a morning event at Lowell 5’s Ops Center in Tewksbury, MA to introduce our friends from CB-Resource. CB (as in community bank) has a comprehensive suite of ERM / Capital Planning / Strategic Planning tools, fully accessible via an on-line portal, that we have been wowed by. The ease of use and depth of reporting is really something worth your investment of time, particularly as you consider the most effective/efficient way to pull these pieces into a cohesive whole. CB also has a financial analytics tool that Kevin and I use extensively, and recently, some of our clients as well. Pop us an e-mail if you'd like to attend.
By the time we announce another quarter, summer vacations will have come and gone. Relax & Enjoy!