The Navigator is my golden thread through the day
The Navigator of SIDOUN Globe helps me to easily sail
through the software. This is my daily working Compass.
The Navigator is the heart of SIDOUN Globe, the bridge and Control-center of the software. Navigator is simple and intuitive; for example, you know it from
your smartphone.
Just as easy as with your smartphone, you can access all your Program modules and data, quickly and efficiently.
What you get?
The advantages are its simplicity and brilliance. You can always access to the desired part of the Program area, quickly and efficiently.
? The User Interface is Aesthetic, Tidy and clearly defined.
> This means to you an intuitive and easy to use Software, as you have never seen with any other Construction Software.
? The Navigator lets you define and group your own Apps and App-boxes that fit to your area of work.
> Individual and comfortable – Define your own work area / Desktop with your ?favorite programs“, just as you need it for your work.
? Hiding unnecessary work areas provides you the required clarity.
> Simply identify and define what you need and what not for your work.
? Use multiple Navigators side by side and improve your Productivity by working effectively.
> For examples: Multiple monitors could be effectively used and most importantly multiple Projects could be opened parallely and you can copy data using Drag & Drop.