Navigating Your First 180 Days in a New Leadership Role: A Guide to Building Trust, Setting Priorities, and Driving Change

Navigating Your First 180 Days in a New Leadership Role: A Guide to Building Trust, Setting Priorities, and Driving Change

Congratulations! You've landed that new leadership role, whether it's within a new company or a different position within your current organization. Now, it's time to hit the ground running, but hold your horses – the first 180 days are crucial. Here's your roadmap for success:

First 30 Days: The Listening Tour

In the whirlwind of excitement, resist the urge to prove yourself immediately. Instead, focus on building trust. Spend your initial days listening, learning, and building relationships. Schedule one-on-one meetings with each member of your team. Ask open-ended questions about their roles, challenges, and aspirations. Avoid suggesting changes; your goal is to understand before acting.

30-60 Days: Setting Priorities

Now that you've gathered insights, it's time to synthesize. Identify what's working, what's just okay, and what needs immediate improvement. Engage your team in setting priorities. Recognize their achievements, then collaboratively establish goals and tactics. Keep it simple – just two goals per person. This phase is about focusing on your team's needs and solidifying trust.

60-90 Days: Building Foundations

With trust established, it's tempting to dive into major changes. However, resist the urge to make waves too soon. Instead, focus on building solid foundations. Continue to gather feedback and insights, but avoid making any significant personnel changes. Terminations should be an absolute last resort, reserved for cases of severe misconduct. By maintaining stability and trust within your team, you pave the way for smoother transitions in the future.

90-180 Days: Expanding Your Scope

Armed with insights from your team, turn your attention to other departments. Solicit feedback from your team before formulating plans. Meet with department leaders to discuss priorities and ensure alignment. Collaboration is key – involve them in developing and executing plans. Continuously check in with your team to ensure goals are on track.

Beyond 180 Days: Embrace Greatness

By now, relationships are forged, trust is established, and you're an integral part of the organization. It's time to shine. Continue to foster collaboration, drive change, and lead with humility. You've laid the groundwork – now go forth and be great!

Remember, leadership isn't about proving yourself; it's about empowering others. Approach your first 180 days with humility, curiosity, and a willingness to listen. With this roadmap in hand, you'll navigate the challenges of a new leadership role with confidence and grace.


